fix some integer conversions in the Table class #60

cremno merged 2 commits from mri-table-fix-conversions into master 2014-08-31 09:20:09 +00:00
cremno commented 2014-08-31 03:01:08 +00:00 (Migrated from

Sizes (x, y, z) are clamped to a non-negative int value.
Use NUM2INT instead of FIX2INT as the argument might not be a Fixnum.

Sizes (x, y, z) are clamped to a non-negative int value. Use NUM2INT instead of FIX2INT as the argument might not be a Fixnum.
Ancurio commented 2014-08-31 09:04:20 +00:00 (Migrated from

Small nitpick: Can you use std::max instead of the ternary op?

Small nitpick: Can you use `std::max` instead of the ternary op?
cremno commented 2014-08-31 09:16:29 +00:00 (Migrated from

I've changed it.

I've changed it.
Ancurio commented 2014-08-31 09:19:57 +00:00 (Migrated from

Thank you!~

Thank you!~
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Reference: MapleShrine/mkxp#60
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