Add low res images to map

This commit is contained in:
Varun Patil 2020-10-20 05:48:27 +05:30
parent 91789996e8
commit 1e5245668c
2 changed files with 27 additions and 12 deletions

View file

@ -74,19 +74,28 @@ window.loadFileAsync = function(fullPath, bitmap, callback) {
generationCanvas.width = sm[0];
generationCanvas.height = sm[1];
// Create dummy from data uri
FS.createPreloadedFile(path, filename, generationCanvas.toDataURL(), true, true, function() {
// Return control to C++
callback(); callback = () => {};
// Draw
var img = new Image;
img.onload = function(){
const ctx = generationCanvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, sm[0], sm[1]);
// Lazy load and refresh
load(() => {
const reloadBitmap = Module.cwrap('reloadBitmap', 'number', ['number'])
// Create dummy from data uri
FS.createPreloadedFile(path, filename, generationCanvas.toDataURL(), true, true, function() {
// Return control to C++
callback(); callback = () => {};
// Lazy load and refresh
load(() => {
const reloadBitmap = Module.cwrap('reloadBitmap', 'number', ['number'])
}, console.error, false, false, () => {
try { FS.unlink(path + "/" + filename); } catch (err) {}
}, console.error, false, false, () => {
try { FS.unlink(path + "/" + filename); } catch (err) {}
img.src = sm[2];
} else {
if (bitmap) {
console.warn('No sizemap for image', mappingKey);

View file

@ -22,7 +22,13 @@ if [ -f $file ]
sz=`identify -format "%w,%h" "${file}" 2>/dev/null`
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "\"$fl\": [${sz}]," >> bitmap-map.js
convert "$file" -resize 64x64\> "conv.png"
mimetype=$(file -bN --mime-type "conv.png")
content=$(base64 -w0 < "conv.png")
rm "conv.png"
echo "\"$fl\": [${sz},\"${duri}\"]," >> bitmap-map.js