2014-01-15 03:20:05 +01:00
# Lines starting with '#' are comments
2014-08-28 23:11:10 +02:00
# Specify the RGSS version to run under.
# Possible values are 0, 1, 2, 3. If set to 0,
# mkxp will try to guess the required version
# based on the game files found in gameFolder.
# If this fails, the version defaults to 1.
# (default: 0)
# rgssVersion=1
2014-01-15 03:20:05 +01:00
# Create a debug context and log
# OpenGL debug information to the console
# (default: disabled)
# debugMode=false
# Game window is resizable
# (default: disabled)
# winResizable=false
# Start game in fullscreen (this can
# always be toggled with Alt-Enter at runtime)
# (default: disabled)
# fullscreen=false
# Preserve game screen aspect ratio,
# as opposed to stretch-to-fill
# (default: enabled)
# fixedAspectRatio=true
# Apply linear interpolation when game screen
# is upscaled
# (default: disabled)
# smoothScaling=false
# Sync screen redraws to the monitor refresh rate
# (default: disabled)
# vsync=false
2014-08-28 23:11:10 +02:00
# Specify the window width on startup. If set to 0,
# it will default to the default resolution width
# specific to the RGSS version (640 in RGSS1, 544
# in RGSS2 or higher).
# (default: 0)
2014-01-15 03:20:05 +01:00
# defScreenW=640
2014-08-28 23:11:10 +02:00
# Specify the window height on startup. If set to 0,
# it will default to the default resolution height
# specific to the RGSS version (480 in RGSS1, 416
# in RGSS2 or higher).
# (default: 0)
2014-01-15 03:20:05 +01:00
# defScreenH=480
# Enforce a static frame rate
# (0 = disabled)
# fixedFramerate=0
# Skip (don't draw) frames when behind
# (default: enabled)
# frameSkip=true
# Don't use alpha blending when rendering text
# (default: disabled)
# solidFonts=false
# Set the base path of the game to '/path/to/game'
# (default: executable directory)
# gameFolder=/path/to/game
# Use either right or left Alt + Enter to toggle
# fullscreen
# (default: disabled)
# anyAltToggleFS=false
2014-08-24 07:36:19 +02:00
# Enable F12 game reset
# (default: enabled)
# enableReset=true
2014-01-15 03:20:05 +01:00
# Allow symlinks for game assets to be followed
# (default: disabled)
# allowSymlinks=false
# Set the game window icon to 'path/to/icon.png'
# (default: none)
# iconPath=/path/to/icon.png
# Instead of playing an RPG Maker game,
# execute a single plain text script instead
# (default: none)
# customScript=/path/to/script.rb
2014-08-24 07:27:36 +02:00
# Define raw scripts to be executed before the
# actual Scripts.rxdata execution starts
# (default: none)
# preloadScript=my_win32_wrapper.rb
# preloadScript=ruby18_fixes.rb
2014-01-15 03:20:05 +01:00
# Index all accesible assets via their lower case path
# (emulates windows case insensitivity)
# (default: enabled)
# pathCache=true
2014-05-21 18:10:14 +02:00
2014-01-15 03:20:05 +01:00
# Add 'rtp1', 'rtp2.zip' and 'game.rgssad' to the
# asset search path (multiple allowed)
# (default: none)
# RTP=/path/to/rtp1
# RTP=/path/to/rtp2.zip
# RTP=/path/to/game.rgssad
2014-04-11 18:11:32 +02:00
# Use the script's name as filename in warnings and error messages
# (default: disabled)
# useScriptNames=false
2014-04-17 08:19:24 +02:00
Font: Overhaul font asset discovery
Previously, any font names requested by RGSS would be translated
directly to filenames by lowercasing and replacing spaces with
underscores (and finally doing some extension substitution).
To make this whole thing work smoother as well as get closer to
how font discovery is done in VX, we now scan the "Fonts/" folder
at startup and index all present font assets by their family name;
now, if an "Open Sans" font is present in "Fonts/", it will be
used regardless of filename.
Font assets with "Regular" style are preferred, but in their
absence, mkxp will make use of any other style it can find for
the respective family. This is not the exact same behavior as
VX, but it should cover 95% of use cases.
Previously, one could substitute fonts via filenames, ie. to
substitute "Arial" with "Open Sans", one would just rename
"OpenSans.ttf" to "arial.ttf" and put it in "Fonts/". With the
above change, this is no longer possible. As an alternative, one
can now explicitly specify font family substitutions via mkxp.conf;
eg. for the above case, one would add
fontSub=Arial>Open Sans
to the configuration file. Multiple such rules can be specified.
In the process, I also added the ability to provide
'Font.(default_)name' with an array of font families to search
for the first existing one instead of a plain string.
This makes the behavior closer to RMXP; however, it doesn't
work 100% the same: when a reference to the 'Font.name' array is
held and additional strings are added to it without re-assignig
the array to 'Font.name', those will be ignored.
2014-04-11 13:37:14 +02:00
# Font substitutions allow drop-in replacements of fonts
# to be used without changing the RGSS scripts,
# eg. providing 'Open Sans' when the game thinkgs it's
# using 'Arial'. Font family to be substituted and
# replacement family are separated by one sole '>'.
# Be careful not to include any spaces.
# This is not connected to the built-in font, which is
# always used when a non-existing font family is
# requested by RGSS.
# (default: none)
# fontSub=Arial>Open Sans
# fontSub=Times New Roman>Liberation Serif
2014-07-24 23:11:12 +02:00
# Because mkxp is usually distributed as a stand alone
# build, no predefined load paths are initialized
# ($:, $LOAD_PATH) in the MRI backend. With this option,
# they can be specified manually (eg. when using a system
# libruby.so). It is however recommended to statically
# link all required gems into libruby.so.
# (default: none)
# rubyLoadpath=/usr/lib64/ruby/
# rubyLoadpath=/usr/local/share/ruby/site_ruby
2014-07-31 03:32:07 +02:00
# SoundFont to use for midi playback (via fluidsynth)
# (default: none)
# midi.soundFont=/usr/share/mysoundfont.sf2
# Activate "chorus" effect for midi playback
# midi.chorus=false
# Activate "reverb" effect for midi playback
# midi.reverb=false
2014-08-20 05:20:07 +02:00
2014-08-25 05:28:46 +02:00
# Number of OpenAL sources to allocate for SE playback.
# If there are a lot of sounds playing at the same time
# and audibly cutting each other off, try increasing
# this number. Maximum: 64.
# SE.sourceCount=6
2014-08-20 05:20:07 +02:00
# Give a hint on which language the game title as
# specified in the Game.ini is, useful if the encoding
# is being falsely detected. Relevant only if mkxp was
# built with automatic encoding conversion (INI_ENCODING).
# (default: none)
# titleLanguage=japanese