/* ** eventthread.cpp ** ** This file is part of mkxp. ** ** Copyright (C) 2013 Jonas Kulla ** ** mkxp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** mkxp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with mkxp. If not, see . */ #include "eventthread.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sharedstate.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "settingsmenu.h" #include "al-util.h" #include "debugwriter.h" #include #include typedef void (ALC_APIENTRY *LPALCDEVICEPAUSESOFT) (ALCdevice *device); typedef void (ALC_APIENTRY *LPALCDEVICERESUMESOFT) (ALCdevice *device); #define AL_DEVICE_PAUSE_FUN \ AL_FUN(DevicePause, LPALCDEVICEPAUSESOFT) \ AL_FUN(DeviceResume, LPALCDEVICERESUMESOFT) struct ALCFunctions { #define AL_FUN(name, type) type name; AL_DEVICE_PAUSE_FUN #undef AL_FUN } static alc; static void initALCFunctions(ALCdevice *alcDev) { if (!strstr(alcGetString(alcDev, ALC_EXTENSIONS), "ALC_SOFT_pause_device")) return; Debug() << "ALC_SOFT_pause_device present"; #define AL_FUN(name, type) alc. name = (type) alcGetProcAddress(alcDev, "alc" #name "SOFT"); AL_DEVICE_PAUSE_FUN; #undef AL_FUN } #define HAVE_ALC_DEVICE_PAUSE alc.DevicePause uint8_t EventThread::keyStates[]; EventThread::ControllerState EventThread::gcState; EventThread::JoyState EventThread::joyState; EventThread::MouseState EventThread::mouseState; EventThread::TouchState EventThread::touchState; /* User event codes */ enum { REQUEST_SETFULLSCREEN = 0, REQUEST_WINRESIZE, REQUEST_MESSAGEBOX, REQUEST_SETCURSORVISIBLE, UPDATE_FPS, EVENT_COUNT }; static uint32_t usrIdStart; bool EventThread::allocUserEvents() { usrIdStart = SDL_RegisterEvents(EVENT_COUNT); if (usrIdStart == (uint32_t) -1) return false; return true; } EventThread::EventThread() : fullscreen(false), showCursor(false) {} void EventThread::process(RGSSThreadData &rtData) { SDL_Event event; SDL_Window *win = rtData.window; UnidirMessage &windowSizeMsg = rtData.windowSizeMsg; initALCFunctions(rtData.alcDev); SDL_SetEventFilter(eventFilter, &rtData); fullscreen = rtData.config.fullscreen; int toggleFSMod = rtData.config.anyAltToggleFS ? KMOD_ALT : KMOD_LALT; fps.lastFrame = SDL_GetPerformanceCounter(); fps.displayCounter = 0; fps.acc = 0; fps.accDiv = 0; if (rtData.config.printFPS) fps.sendUpdates.set(); bool displayingFPS = false; bool cursorInWindow = false; bool windowFocused = false; bool terminate = false; std::map controllers; std::map joysticks; for (int i = 0; i < SDL_NumJoysticks(); ++i) { if (SDL_IsGameController(i)) { //Load as game controller SDL_GameController *gc = SDL_GameControllerOpen(i); int id = SDL_JoystickInstanceID(SDL_GameControllerGetJoystick(gc)); controllers[id] = gc; } else { //Fall back to joystick SDL_Joystick *js = SDL_JoystickOpen(i); joysticks[SDL_JoystickInstanceID(js)] = js; } } char buffer[128]; char pendingTitle[128]; bool havePendingTitle = false; bool resetting = false; int winW, winH; int i; SDL_Joystick *js; SDL_GameController *gc; int id; std::map::iterator jsit; std::map::iterator gcit; SDL_GetWindowSize(win, &winW, &winH); SettingsMenu *sMenu = 0; while (true) { if (!SDL_WaitEvent(&event)) { Debug() << "EventThread: Event error"; break; } if (sMenu && sMenu->onEvent(event, joysticks)) { if (sMenu->destroyReq()) { delete sMenu; sMenu = 0; updateCursorState(cursorInWindow && windowFocused); } continue; } /* Preselect and discard unwanted events here */ switch (event.type) { case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN : case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP : case SDL_MOUSEMOTION : if (event.button.which == SDL_TOUCH_MOUSEID) continue; break; case SDL_FINGERDOWN : case SDL_FINGERUP : case SDL_FINGERMOTION : if (event.tfinger.fingerId >= MAX_FINGERS) continue; break; } /* Now process the rest */ switch (event.type) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT : switch (event.window.event) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED : winW = event.window.data1; winH = event.window.data2; windowSizeMsg.post(Vec2i(winW, winH)); resetInputStates(); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_ENTER : cursorInWindow = true; mouseState.inWindow = true; updateCursorState(cursorInWindow && windowFocused && !sMenu); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_LEAVE : cursorInWindow = false; mouseState.inWindow = false; updateCursorState(cursorInWindow && windowFocused && !sMenu); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE : terminate = true; break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED : windowFocused = true; updateCursorState(cursorInWindow && windowFocused && !sMenu); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST : windowFocused = false; updateCursorState(cursorInWindow && windowFocused && !sMenu); resetInputStates(); break; } break; case SDL_QUIT : terminate = true; Debug() << "EventThread termination requested"; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN : if (event.key.keysym.scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN && (event.key.keysym.mod & toggleFSMod)) { setFullscreen(win, !fullscreen); if (!fullscreen && havePendingTitle) { SDL_SetWindowTitle(win, pendingTitle); pendingTitle[0] = '\0'; havePendingTitle = false; } break; } if (event.key.keysym.scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_F1) { if (!sMenu) { sMenu = new SettingsMenu(rtData); updateCursorState(false); } sMenu->raise(); } if (event.key.keysym.scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_F2) { if (!displayingFPS) { fps.immInitFlag.set(); fps.sendUpdates.set(); displayingFPS = true; } else { displayingFPS = false; if (!rtData.config.printFPS) fps.sendUpdates.clear(); if (fullscreen) { /* Prevent fullscreen flicker */ strncpy(pendingTitle, rtData.config.game.title.c_str(), sizeof(pendingTitle)); havePendingTitle = true; break; } SDL_SetWindowTitle(win, rtData.config.game.title.c_str()); } break; } if (event.key.keysym.scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_F12) { if (!rtData.config.enableReset) break; if (resetting) break; resetting = true; rtData.rqResetFinish.clear(); rtData.rqReset.set(); break; } keyStates[event.key.keysym.scancode] = true; break; case SDL_KEYUP : if (event.key.keysym.scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_F12) { if (!rtData.config.enableReset) break; resetting = false; rtData.rqResetFinish.set(); break; } keyStates[event.key.keysym.scancode] = false; break; case SDL_CONTROLLERBUTTONDOWN: gcState.buttons[event.cbutton.button] = true; break; case SDL_CONTROLLERBUTTONUP: gcState.buttons[event.cbutton.button] = false; break; case SDL_CONTROLLERAXISMOTION: gcState.axes[event.caxis.axis] = event.caxis.value; break; case SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEADDED: gc = SDL_GameControllerOpen(event.jdevice.which); id = SDL_JoystickInstanceID(SDL_GameControllerGetJoystick(gc)); controllers[id] = gc; break; case SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEREMOVED: gcit = controllers.find(event.jdevice.which); SDL_GameControllerClose(gcit->second); controllers.erase(gcit); break; case SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN : if (joysticks.find(event.jbutton.which) != joysticks.end()) joyState.buttons[event.jbutton.button] = true; break; case SDL_JOYBUTTONUP : if (joysticks.find(event.jbutton.which) != joysticks.end()) joyState.buttons[event.jbutton.button] = false; break; case SDL_JOYHATMOTION : if (joysticks.find(event.jbutton.which) != joysticks.end()) joyState.hats[event.jhat.hat] = event.jhat.value; break; case SDL_JOYAXISMOTION : if (joysticks.find(event.jbutton.which) != joysticks.end()) joyState.axes[event.jaxis.axis] = event.jaxis.value; break; case SDL_JOYDEVICEADDED : if (SDL_IsGameController(event.jdevice.which)) break; js = SDL_JoystickOpen(event.jdevice.which); joysticks[SDL_JoystickInstanceID(js)] = js; break; case SDL_JOYDEVICEREMOVED : jsit = joysticks.find(event.jdevice.which); if (jsit != joysticks.end()) { SDL_JoystickClose(jsit->second); joysticks.erase(jsit); resetInputStates(); } break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN : mouseState.buttons[event.button.button] = true; break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP : mouseState.buttons[event.button.button] = false; break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION : mouseState.x = event.motion.x; mouseState.y = event.motion.y; break; case SDL_FINGERDOWN : i = event.tfinger.fingerId; touchState.fingers[i].down = true; case SDL_FINGERMOTION : i = event.tfinger.fingerId; touchState.fingers[i].x = event.tfinger.x * winW; touchState.fingers[i].y = event.tfinger.y * winH; break; case SDL_FINGERUP : i = event.tfinger.fingerId; memset(&touchState.fingers[i], 0, sizeof(touchState.fingers[0])); break; default : /* Handle user events */ switch(event.type - usrIdStart) { case REQUEST_SETFULLSCREEN : setFullscreen(win, static_cast(event.user.code)); break; case REQUEST_WINRESIZE : SDL_SetWindowSize(win, event.window.data1, event.window.data2); break; case REQUEST_MESSAGEBOX : SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(event.user.code, rtData.config.game.title.c_str(), (const char*) event.user.data1, win); free(event.user.data1); msgBoxDone.set(); break; case REQUEST_SETCURSORVISIBLE : showCursor = event.user.code; updateCursorState(cursorInWindow); break; case UPDATE_FPS : if (rtData.config.printFPS) Debug() << "FPS:" << event.user.code; if (!fps.sendUpdates) break; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s - %d FPS", rtData.config.game.title.c_str(), event.user.code); /* Updating the window title in fullscreen * mode seems to cause flickering */ if (fullscreen) { strncpy(pendingTitle, buffer, sizeof(pendingTitle)); havePendingTitle = true; break; } SDL_SetWindowTitle(win, buffer); break; } } if (terminate) break; } /* Just in case */ rtData.syncPoint.resumeThreads(); for (gcit = controllers.begin(); gcit != controllers.end(); ++gcit) SDL_GameControllerClose(gcit->second); for (jsit = joysticks.begin(); jsit != joysticks.end(); ++jsit) SDL_JoystickClose(jsit->second); delete sMenu; } int EventThread::eventFilter(void *data, SDL_Event *event) { RGSSThreadData &rtData = *static_cast(data); switch (event->type) { case SDL_APP_WILLENTERBACKGROUND : Debug() << "SDL_APP_WILLENTERBACKGROUND"; if (HAVE_ALC_DEVICE_PAUSE) alc.DevicePause(rtData.alcDev); rtData.syncPoint.haltThreads(); return 0; case SDL_APP_DIDENTERBACKGROUND : Debug() << "SDL_APP_DIDENTERBACKGROUND"; return 0; case SDL_APP_WILLENTERFOREGROUND : Debug() << "SDL_APP_WILLENTERFOREGROUND"; return 0; case SDL_APP_DIDENTERFOREGROUND : Debug() << "SDL_APP_DIDENTERFOREGROUND"; if (HAVE_ALC_DEVICE_PAUSE) alc.DeviceResume(rtData.alcDev); rtData.syncPoint.resumeThreads(); return 0; case SDL_APP_TERMINATING : Debug() << "SDL_APP_TERMINATING"; return 0; case SDL_APP_LOWMEMORY : Debug() << "SDL_APP_LOWMEMORY"; return 0; // case SDL_RENDER_TARGETS_RESET : // Debug() << "****** SDL_RENDER_TARGETS_RESET"; // return 0; // case SDL_RENDER_DEVICE_RESET : // Debug() << "****** SDL_RENDER_DEVICE_RESET"; // return 0; } return 1; } void EventThread::cleanup() { SDL_Event event; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) if ((event.type - usrIdStart) == REQUEST_MESSAGEBOX) free(event.user.data1); } void EventThread::resetInputStates() { memset(&keyStates, 0, sizeof(keyStates)); memset(&gcState, 0, sizeof(gcState)); memset(&joyState, 0, sizeof(joyState)); memset(&mouseState.buttons, 0, sizeof(mouseState.buttons)); memset(&touchState, 0, sizeof(touchState)); } void EventThread::setFullscreen(SDL_Window *win, bool mode) { SDL_SetWindowFullscreen (win, mode ? SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP : 0); fullscreen = mode; } void EventThread::updateCursorState(bool inWindow) { if (inWindow) SDL_ShowCursor(showCursor ? SDL_TRUE : SDL_FALSE); else SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_TRUE); } void EventThread::requestTerminate() { SDL_Event event; event.type = SDL_QUIT; SDL_PushEvent(&event); } void EventThread::requestFullscreenMode(bool mode) { if (mode == fullscreen) return; SDL_Event event; event.type = usrIdStart + REQUEST_SETFULLSCREEN; event.user.code = static_cast(mode); SDL_PushEvent(&event); } void EventThread::requestWindowResize(int width, int height) { SDL_Event event; event.type = usrIdStart + REQUEST_WINRESIZE; event.window.data1 = width; event.window.data2 = height; SDL_PushEvent(&event); } void EventThread::requestShowCursor(bool mode) { SDL_Event event; event.type = usrIdStart + REQUEST_SETCURSORVISIBLE; event.user.code = mode; SDL_PushEvent(&event); } void EventThread::showMessageBox(const char *body, int flags) { msgBoxDone.clear(); SDL_Event event; event.user.code = flags; event.user.data1 = strdup(body); event.type = usrIdStart + REQUEST_MESSAGEBOX; SDL_PushEvent(&event); /* Keep repainting screen while box is open */ shState->graphics().repaintWait(msgBoxDone); /* Prevent endless loops */ resetInputStates(); } bool EventThread::getFullscreen() const { return fullscreen; } bool EventThread::getShowCursor() const { return showCursor; } void EventThread::notifyFrame() { if (!fps.sendUpdates) return; uint64_t current = SDL_GetPerformanceCounter(); uint64_t diff = current - fps.lastFrame; fps.lastFrame = current; if (fps.immInitFlag) { fps.immInitFlag.clear(); fps.immFiniFlag.set(); return; } static uint64_t freq = SDL_GetPerformanceFrequency(); double currFPS = (double) freq / diff; fps.acc += currFPS; ++fps.accDiv; fps.displayCounter += diff; if (fps.displayCounter < freq && !fps.immFiniFlag) return; fps.displayCounter = 0; fps.immFiniFlag.clear(); int32_t avgFPS = fps.acc / fps.accDiv; fps.acc = fps.accDiv = 0; SDL_Event event; event.user.code = avgFPS; event.user.type = usrIdStart + UPDATE_FPS; SDL_PushEvent(&event); } void SyncPoint::haltThreads() { if (mainSync.locked) return; /* Lock the reply sync first to avoid races */ reply.lock(); /* Lock main sync and sleep until RGSS thread * reports back */ mainSync.lock(); reply.waitForUnlock(); /* Now that the RGSS thread is asleep, we can * safely put the other threads to sleep as well * without causing deadlocks */ secondSync.lock(); } void SyncPoint::resumeThreads() { if (!mainSync.locked) return; mainSync.unlock(false); secondSync.unlock(true); } bool SyncPoint::mainSyncLocked() { return mainSync.locked; } void SyncPoint::waitMainSync() { reply.unlock(false); mainSync.waitForUnlock(); } void SyncPoint::passSecondarySync() { if (!secondSync.locked) return; secondSync.waitForUnlock(); } SyncPoint::Util::Util() { mut = SDL_CreateMutex(); cond = SDL_CreateCond(); } SyncPoint::Util::~Util() { SDL_DestroyCond(cond); SDL_DestroyMutex(mut); } void SyncPoint::Util::lock() { locked.set(); } void SyncPoint::Util::unlock(bool multi) { locked.clear(); if (multi) SDL_CondBroadcast(cond); else SDL_CondSignal(cond); } void SyncPoint::Util::waitForUnlock() { SDL_LockMutex(mut); while (locked) SDL_CondWait(cond, mut); SDL_UnlockMutex(mut); }