TEMPLATE = app QT = TARGET = Game DEPENDPATH += src shader assets INCLUDEPATH += . src CONFIG += link_pkgconfig CONFIG(release, debug|release): DEFINES += NDEBUG isEmpty(BINDING) { BINDING = MRI } contains(BINDING, MRI) { contains(_HAVE_BINDING, YES) { error("Only one binding may be selected") } _HAVE_BINDING = YES CONFIG += BINDING_MRI } contains(BINDING, MRUBY) { contains(_HAVE_BINDING, YES) { error("Only one binding may be selected") } _HAVE_BINDING = YES CONFIG += BINDING_MRUBY } contains(BINDING, NULL) { contains(_HAVE_BINDING, YES) { error("Only one binding may be selected") } _HAVE_BINDING = YES CONFIG += BINDING_NULL } unix { CONFIG += c++11 PKGCONFIG += sigc++-2.0 pixman-1 zlib vorbisfile \ sdl2 SDL2_image SDL2_ttf SDL_sound LIBS += -ldl -lphysfs macx: { QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.6 CONFIG -= app_bundle INCLUDEPATH += /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenAL.framework/Headers LIBS += -framework OpenAL } !macx: { PKGCONFIG += openal } SHARED_FLUID { PKGCONFIG += fluidsynth } # Deal with boost paths... isEmpty(BOOST_I) { BOOST_I = $$(BOOST_I) } isEmpty(BOOST_I) {} else { INCLUDEPATH += $$BOOST_I } isEmpty(BOOST_L) { BOOST_L = $$(BOOST_L) } isEmpty(BOOST_L) {} else { LIBS += -L$$BOOST_L } isEmpty(BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX) { BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX = $$(BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX) } LIBS += -lboost_program_options$$BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX } win32 { QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=gnu++11 QMAKE_LFLAGS += -std=gnu++11 PKGCONFIG += sigc++-2.0 pixman-1 zlib \ sdl2 SDL2_image SDL2_ttf openal SDL_sound vorbisfile freetype2 LIBS += -lphysfs -lboost_program_options-mt -lsecur32 # Deal with boost paths... isEmpty(BOOST_I) { BOOST_I = $$(BOOST_I) } isEmpty(BOOST_I) {} else { INCLUDEPATH += $$BOOST_I } isEmpty(BOOST_L) { BOOST_L = $$(BOOST_L) } isEmpty(BOOST_L) {} else { LIBS += -L$$BOOST_L } # Ruby console bug !console { DEFINES += NOCONSOLE } release { RC_FILE = assets/resources.rc } } # Input HEADERS += \ src/quadarray.h \ src/audio.h \ src/binding.h \ src/bitmap.h \ src/disposable.h \ src/etc.h \ src/etc-internal.h \ src/eventthread.h \ src/flashable.h \ src/font.h \ src/input.h \ src/plane.h \ src/scene.h \ src/sprite.h \ src/table.h \ src/texpool.h \ src/tilequad.h \ src/transform.h \ src/viewport.h \ src/window.h \ src/serializable.h \ src/shader.h \ src/glstate.h \ src/quad.h \ src/tilemap.h \ src/tilemap-common.h \ src/graphics.h \ src/gl-debug.h \ src/global-ibo.h \ src/exception.h \ src/filesystem.h \ src/serial-util.h \ src/intrulist.h \ src/binding.h \ src/gl-util.h \ src/util.h \ src/config.h \ src/settingsmenu.h \ src/keybindings.h \ src/tileatlas.h \ src/sharedstate.h \ src/al-util.h \ src/boost-hash.h \ src/debugwriter.h \ src/gl-fun.h \ src/gl-meta.h \ src/vertex.h \ src/soundemitter.h \ src/aldatasource.h \ src/alstream.h \ src/audiostream.h \ src/rgssad.h \ src/windowvx.h \ src/tilemapvx.h \ src/tileatlasvx.h \ src/sharedmidistate.h \ src/fluid-fun.h \ src/sdl-util.h \ src/oneshot.h SOURCES += \ src/main.cpp \ src/audio.cpp \ src/bitmap.cpp \ src/eventthread.cpp \ src/filesystem.cpp \ src/font.cpp \ src/input.cpp \ src/plane.cpp \ src/scene.cpp \ src/sprite.cpp \ src/table.cpp \ src/tilequad.cpp \ src/viewport.cpp \ src/window.cpp \ src/texpool.cpp \ src/shader.cpp \ src/glstate.cpp \ src/tilemap.cpp \ src/autotiles.cpp \ src/graphics.cpp \ src/gl-debug.cpp \ src/etc.cpp \ src/config.cpp \ src/settingsmenu.cpp \ src/keybindings.cpp \ src/tileatlas.cpp \ src/sharedstate.cpp \ src/gl-fun.cpp \ src/gl-meta.cpp \ src/vertex.cpp \ src/soundemitter.cpp \ src/sdlsoundsource.cpp \ src/alstream.cpp \ src/audiostream.cpp \ src/rgssad.cpp \ src/bundledfont.cpp \ src/vorbissource.cpp \ src/windowvx.cpp \ src/tilemapvx.cpp \ src/tileatlasvx.cpp \ src/autotilesvx.cpp \ src/midisource.cpp \ src/fluid-fun.cpp \ src/oneshot.cpp EMBED = \ shader/common.h \ shader/transSimple.frag \ shader/trans.frag \ shader/hue.frag \ shader/sprite.frag \ shader/plane.frag \ shader/gray.frag \ shader/bitmapBlit.frag \ shader/flatColor.frag \ shader/simple.frag \ shader/simpleColor.frag \ shader/simpleAlpha.frag \ shader/simpleAlphaUni.frag \ shader/flashMap.frag \ shader/minimal.vert \ shader/simple.vert \ shader/simpleColor.vert \ shader/sprite.vert \ shader/tilemap.vert \ shader/blur.frag \ shader/blurH.vert \ shader/blurV.vert \ shader/simpleMatrix.vert \ shader/tilemapvx.vert \ assets/liberation.ttf \ assets/icon.png \ assets/gamecontrollerdb.txt SHARED_FLUID { DEFINES += SHARED_FLUID } defineReplace(xxdOutput) { return($$basename(1).xxd) } # xxd xxd.output_function = xxdOutput xxd.commands = xxd -i ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} > ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} xxd.depends = $$EMBED xxd.input = EMBED xxd.variable_out = HEADERS QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += xxd BINDING_NULL { SOURCES += binding-null/binding-null.cpp } BINDING_MRUBY { LIBS += mruby/build/host/lib/libmruby.a INCLUDEPATH += mruby/include DEPENDPATH += mruby/include DEFINES += BINDING_MRUBY HEADERS += \ binding-mruby/binding-util.h \ binding-mruby/disposable-binding.h \ binding-mruby/flashable-binding.h \ binding-mruby/binding-types.h \ binding-mruby/sceneelement-binding.h \ binding-mruby/viewportelement-binding.h \ binding-mruby/serializable-binding.h \ binding-mruby/mrb-ext/file.h \ binding-mruby/mrb-ext/rwmem.h \ binding-mruby/mrb-ext/marshal.h SOURCES += \ binding-mruby/binding-mruby.cpp \ binding-mruby/binding-util.cpp \ binding-mruby/window-binding.cpp \ binding-mruby/bitmap-binding.cpp \ binding-mruby/sprite-binding.cpp \ binding-mruby/font-binding.cpp \ binding-mruby/viewport-binding.cpp \ binding-mruby/plane-binding.cpp \ binding-mruby/audio-binding.cpp \ binding-mruby/tilemap-binding.cpp \ binding-mruby/etc-binding.cpp \ binding-mruby/graphics-binding.cpp \ binding-mruby/input-binding.cpp \ binding-mruby/table-binding.cpp \ binding-mruby/module_rpg.c \ binding-mruby/mrb-ext/file.cpp \ binding-mruby/mrb-ext/marshal.cpp \ binding-mruby/mrb-ext/rwmem.cpp \ binding-mruby/mrb-ext/kernel.cpp \ binding-mruby/mrb-ext/time.cpp } BINDING_MRI { isEmpty(MRIVERSION) { MRIVERSION = 2.2 } PKGCONFIG += ruby-$$MRIVERSION DEFINES += BINDING_MRI # EMBED2 = binding-mri/module_rpg.rb # xxdp.output = ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME}.xxd # xxdp.commands = xxd+/xxd+ ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} -o ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} --string # xxdp.depends = $$EMBED2 # xxdp.input = EMBED2 # xxdp.variable_out = HEADERS # QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += xxdp HEADERS += \ binding-mri/binding-util.h \ binding-mri/binding-types.h \ binding-mri/serializable-binding.h \ binding-mri/disposable-binding.h \ binding-mri/sceneelement-binding.h \ binding-mri/viewportelement-binding.h \ binding-mri/flashable-binding.h SOURCES += \ binding-mri/binding-mri.cpp \ binding-mri/binding-util.cpp \ binding-mri/table-binding.cpp \ binding-mri/etc-binding.cpp \ binding-mri/bitmap-binding.cpp \ binding-mri/font-binding.cpp \ binding-mri/graphics-binding.cpp \ binding-mri/input-binding.cpp \ binding-mri/sprite-binding.cpp \ binding-mri/viewport-binding.cpp \ binding-mri/plane-binding.cpp \ binding-mri/window-binding.cpp \ binding-mri/tilemap-binding.cpp \ binding-mri/audio-binding.cpp \ binding-mri/module_rpg.cpp \ binding-mri/filesystem-binding.cpp \ binding-mri/windowvx-binding.cpp \ binding-mri/tilemapvx-binding.cpp \ binding-mri/oneshot-binding.cpp } OTHER_FILES += $$EMBED