/* ** plane.cpp ** ** This file is part of mkxp. ** ** Copyright (C) 2013 Jonas Kulla ** ** mkxp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** mkxp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with mkxp. If not, see . */ #include "plane.h" #include "sharedstate.h" #include "bitmap.h" #include "etc.h" #include "util.h" #include "gl-util.h" #include "quad.h" #include "quadarray.h" #include "transform.h" #include "etc-internal.h" #include "shader.h" #include "glstate.h" #include static float fwrap(float value, float range) { float res = fmod(value, range); return res < 0 ? res + range : res; } struct PlanePrivate { Bitmap *bitmap; NormValue opacity; BlendType blendType; Color *color; Tone *tone; int ox, oy; float zoomX, zoomY; Scene::Geometry sceneGeo; bool quadSourceDirty; SimpleQuadArray qArray; EtcTemps tmp; sigc::connection prepareCon; PlanePrivate() : bitmap(0), opacity(255), blendType(BlendNormal), color(&tmp.color), tone(&tmp.tone), ox(0), oy(0), zoomX(1), zoomY(1), quadSourceDirty(false) { prepareCon = shState->prepareDraw.connect (sigc::mem_fun(this, &PlanePrivate::prepare)); qArray.resize(1); } ~PlanePrivate() { prepareCon.disconnect(); } void updateQuadSource() { if (gl.npot_repeat) { FloatRect srcRect; srcRect.x = (sceneGeo.orig.x + ox) / zoomX; srcRect.y = (sceneGeo.orig.y + oy) / zoomY; srcRect.w = sceneGeo.rect.w / zoomX; srcRect.h = sceneGeo.rect.h / zoomY; Quad::setTexRect(&qArray.vertices[0], srcRect); qArray.commit(); return; } if (nullOrDisposed(bitmap)) return; /* Scaled (zoomed) bitmap dimensions */ float sw = bitmap->width() * zoomX; float sh = bitmap->height() * zoomY; /* Plane offset wrapped by scaled bitmap dims */ float wox = fwrap(ox, sw); float woy = fwrap(oy, sh); /* Viewport dimensions */ int vpw = sceneGeo.rect.w; int vph = sceneGeo.rect.h; /* Amount the scaled bitmap is tiled (repeated) */ size_t tilesX = ceil((vpw - sw + wox) / sw) + 1; size_t tilesY = ceil((vph - sh + woy) / sh) + 1; FloatRect tex = bitmap->rect(); qArray.resize(tilesX * tilesY); for (size_t y = 0; y < tilesY; ++y) for (size_t x = 0; x < tilesX; ++x) { SVertex *vert = &qArray.vertices[(y*tilesX + x) * 4]; FloatRect pos(x*sw - wox, y*sh - woy, sw, sh); Quad::setTexPosRect(vert, tex, pos); } qArray.commit(); } void prepare() { if (quadSourceDirty) { updateQuadSource(); quadSourceDirty = false; } } }; Plane::Plane(Viewport *viewport) : ViewportElement(viewport) { p = new PlanePrivate(); onGeometryChange(scene->getGeometry()); } DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(Plane, Bitmap, Bitmap*, p->bitmap) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(Plane, OX, int, p->ox) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(Plane, OY, int, p->oy) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(Plane, ZoomX, float, p->zoomX) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(Plane, ZoomY, float, p->zoomY) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(Plane, BlendType, int, p->blendType) DEF_ATTR_SIMPLE(Plane, Opacity, int, p->opacity) DEF_ATTR_SIMPLE(Plane, Color, Color&, *p->color) DEF_ATTR_SIMPLE(Plane, Tone, Tone&, *p->tone) Plane::~Plane() { dispose(); } void Plane::setBitmap(Bitmap *value) { guardDisposed(); p->bitmap = value; if (!value) return; value->ensureNonMega(); } void Plane::setOX(int value) { guardDisposed(); if (p->ox == value) return; p->ox = value; p->quadSourceDirty = true; } void Plane::setOY(int value) { guardDisposed(); if (p->oy == value) return; p->oy = value; p->quadSourceDirty = true; } void Plane::setZoomX(float value) { guardDisposed(); if (p->zoomX == value) return; p->zoomX = value; p->quadSourceDirty = true; } void Plane::setZoomY(float value) { guardDisposed(); if (p->zoomY == value) return; p->zoomY = value; p->quadSourceDirty = true; } void Plane::setBlendType(int value) { guardDisposed(); switch (value) { default : case BlendNormal : p->blendType = BlendNormal; return; case BlendAddition : p->blendType = BlendAddition; return; case BlendSubstraction : p->blendType = BlendSubstraction; return; } } void Plane::initDynAttribs() { p->color = new Color; p->tone = new Tone; } void Plane::draw() { if (nullOrDisposed(p->bitmap)) return; if (!p->opacity) return; ShaderBase *base; if (p->color->hasEffect() || p->tone->hasEffect() || p->opacity != 255) { PlaneShader &shader = shState->shaders().plane; shader.bind(); shader.applyViewportProj(); shader.setTone(p->tone->norm); shader.setColor(p->color->norm); shader.setFlash(Vec4()); shader.setOpacity(p->opacity.norm); base = &shader; } else { SimpleShader &shader = shState->shaders().simple; shader.bind(); shader.applyViewportProj(); shader.setTranslation(Vec2i()); base = &shader; } glState.blendMode.pushSet(p->blendType); p->bitmap->bindTex(*base); if (gl.npot_repeat) TEX::setRepeat(true); p->qArray.draw(); if (gl.npot_repeat) TEX::setRepeat(false); glState.blendMode.pop(); } void Plane::onGeometryChange(const Scene::Geometry &geo) { if (gl.npot_repeat) Quad::setPosRect(&p->qArray.vertices[0], FloatRect(geo.rect)); p->sceneGeo = geo; p->quadSourceDirty = true; } void Plane::releaseResources() { unlink(); delete p; }