/* ** filesystem.cpp ** ** This file is part of mkxp. ** ** Copyright (C) 2013 Jonas Kulla ** ** mkxp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** mkxp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with mkxp. If not, see . */ #include "filesystem.h" #include "rgssad.h" #include "font.h" #include "util.h" #include "exception.h" #include "boost-hash.h" #include "debugwriter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include static inline PHYSFS_File *sdlPHYS(SDL_RWops *ops) { return static_cast(ops->hidden.unknown.data1); } static Sint64 SDL_RWopsSize(SDL_RWops *ops) { PHYSFS_File *f = sdlPHYS(ops); if (!f) return -1; return PHYSFS_fileLength(f); } static Sint64 SDL_RWopsSeek(SDL_RWops *ops, int64_t offset, int whence) { PHYSFS_File *f = sdlPHYS(ops); if (!f) return -1; int64_t base; switch (whence) { default: case RW_SEEK_SET : base = 0; break; case RW_SEEK_CUR : base = PHYSFS_tell(f); break; case RW_SEEK_END : base = PHYSFS_fileLength(f); break; } int result = PHYSFS_seek(f, base + offset); return (result != 0) ? PHYSFS_tell(f) : -1; } static size_t SDL_RWopsRead(SDL_RWops *ops, void *buffer, size_t size, size_t maxnum) { PHYSFS_File *f = sdlPHYS(ops); if (!f) return 0; PHYSFS_sint64 result = PHYSFS_readBytes(f, buffer, size*maxnum); return (result != -1) ? (result / size) : 0; } static size_t SDL_RWopsWrite(SDL_RWops *ops, const void *buffer, size_t size, size_t num) { PHYSFS_File *f = sdlPHYS(ops); if (!f) return 0; PHYSFS_sint64 result = PHYSFS_writeBytes(f, buffer, size*num); return (result != -1) ? (result / size) : 0; } static int SDL_RWopsClose(SDL_RWops *ops) { PHYSFS_File *f = sdlPHYS(ops); if (!f) return -1; int result = PHYSFS_close(f); return (result != 0) ? 0 : -1; } static int SDL_RWopsCloseFree(SDL_RWops *ops) { int result = SDL_RWopsClose(ops); SDL_FreeRW(ops); return result; } const Uint32 SDL_RWOPS_PHYSFS = SDL_RWOPS_UNKNOWN+10; struct FileSystemPrivate { /* Maps: lower case filename, To: actual (mixed case) filename. * This is for compatibility with games that take Windows' * case insensitivity for granted */ BoostHash pathCache; bool havePathCache; std::vector extensions[FileSystem::Undefined+1]; /* Attempt to locate an extension string in a filename. * Either a pointer into the input string pointing at the * extension, or null is returned */ const char *findExt(const char *filename) { size_t len; for (len = strlen(filename); len > 0; --len) { if (filename[len] == '/') return 0; if (filename[len] == '.') return &filename[len+1]; } return 0; } /* Complete filename via regular physfs lookup */ bool completeFilenameReg(const char *filename, FileSystem::FileType type, char *outBuffer, size_t outN, const char **foundExt) { /* Try supplementing extensions to find an existing path */ const std::vector &extList = extensions[type]; for (size_t i = 0; i < extList.size(); ++i) { const char *ext = extList[i].c_str(); snprintf(outBuffer, outN, "%s.%s", filename, ext); if (PHYSFS_exists(outBuffer)) { if (foundExt) *foundExt = ext; return true; } } /* Doing the check without supplemented extension * fits the usage pattern of RMXP games */ if (PHYSFS_exists(filename)) { strncpy(outBuffer, filename, outN); if (foundExt) *foundExt = findExt(filename); return true; } return false; } /* Complete filename via path cache */ bool completeFilenamePC(const char *filename, FileSystem::FileType type, char *outBuffer, size_t outN, const char **foundExt) { size_t i; char lowCase[512]; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(lowCase)-1 && filename[i]; ++i) lowCase[i] = tolower(filename[i]); lowCase[i] = '\0'; std::string key; const std::vector &extList = extensions[type]; for (size_t i = 0; i < extList.size(); ++i) { const char *ext = extList[i].c_str(); snprintf(outBuffer, outN, "%s.%s", lowCase, ext); key = outBuffer; if (pathCache.contains(key)) { strncpy(outBuffer, pathCache[key].c_str(), outN); if (foundExt) *foundExt = ext; return true; } } key = lowCase; if (pathCache.contains(key)) { strncpy(outBuffer, pathCache[key].c_str(), outN); if (foundExt) *foundExt = findExt(filename); return true; } return false; } /* Try to complete 'filename' with file extensions * based on 'type'. If no combination could be found, * returns false, and 'foundExt' is untouched */ bool completeFileName(const char *filename, FileSystem::FileType type, char *outBuffer, size_t outN, const char **foundExt) { if (havePathCache) return completeFilenamePC(filename, type, outBuffer, outN, foundExt); else return completeFilenameReg(filename, type, outBuffer, outN, foundExt); } PHYSFS_File *openReadHandle(const char *filename, FileSystem::FileType type, const char **foundExt) { char found[512]; if (!completeFileName(filename, type, found, sizeof(found), foundExt)) throw Exception(Exception::NoFileError, "%s", filename); PHYSFS_File *handle = PHYSFS_openRead(found); if (!handle) throw Exception(Exception::PHYSFSError, "PhysFS: %s", PHYSFS_getLastError()); return handle; } void initReadOps(PHYSFS_File *handle, SDL_RWops &ops, bool freeOnClose) { ops.size = SDL_RWopsSize; ops.seek = SDL_RWopsSeek; ops.read = SDL_RWopsRead; ops.write = SDL_RWopsWrite; if (freeOnClose) ops.close = SDL_RWopsCloseFree; else ops.close = SDL_RWopsClose; ops.type = SDL_RWOPS_PHYSFS; ops.hidden.unknown.data1 = handle; } }; FileSystem::FileSystem(const char *argv0, bool allowSymlinks) { p = new FileSystemPrivate; p->havePathCache = false; /* Image extensions */ p->extensions[Image].push_back("jpg"); p->extensions[Image].push_back("png"); /* Audio extensions */ const Sound_DecoderInfo **di; for (di = Sound_AvailableDecoders(); *di; ++di) { const char **ext; for (ext = (*di)->extensions; *ext; ++ext) { /* All reported extensions are uppercase, * so we need to hammer them down first */ char buf[16]; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); ++i) { buf[i] = tolower((*ext)[i]); if (!buf[i]) break; } p->extensions[Audio].push_back(buf); } } /* Font extensions */ p->extensions[Font].push_back("ttf"); p->extensions[Font].push_back("otf"); PHYSFS_init(argv0); PHYSFS_registerArchiver(&RGSS_Archiver); if (allowSymlinks) PHYSFS_permitSymbolicLinks(1); } FileSystem::~FileSystem() { delete p; if (PHYSFS_deinit() == 0) Debug() << "PhyFS failed to deinit."; } void FileSystem::addPath(const char *path) { PHYSFS_mount(path, 0, 1); } static void cacheEnumCB(void *d, const char *origdir, const char *fname) { FileSystemPrivate *p = static_cast(d); char buf[512]; if (*origdir == '\0') strncpy(buf, fname, sizeof(buf)); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", origdir, fname); char *ptr = buf; /* Trim leading slash */ if (*ptr == '/') ++ptr; std::string mixedCase(ptr); for (char *p = buf; *p; ++p) *p = tolower(*p); std::string lowerCase(ptr); p->pathCache.insert(lowerCase, mixedCase); PHYSFS_enumerateFilesCallback(mixedCase.c_str(), cacheEnumCB, p); } void FileSystem::createPathCache() { PHYSFS_enumerateFilesCallback("", cacheEnumCB, p); p->havePathCache = true; } static void strToLower(std::string &str) { for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) str[i] = tolower(str[i]); } struct FontSetsCBData { FileSystemPrivate *p; SharedFontState *sfs; }; static void fontSetEnumCB(void *data, const char *, const char *fname) { FontSetsCBData *d = static_cast(data); FileSystemPrivate *p = d->p; /* Only consider filenames with font extensions */ const char *ext = p->findExt(fname); if (!ext) return; std::string lower(ext); strToLower(lower); if (!contains(p->extensions[FileSystem::Font], lower)) return; std::string filename("Fonts/"); filename += fname; PHYSFS_File *handle = PHYSFS_openRead(filename.c_str()); if (!handle) return; SDL_RWops ops; p->initReadOps(handle, ops, false); d->sfs->initFontSetCB(ops, filename); SDL_RWclose(&ops); } void FileSystem::initFontSets(SharedFontState &sfs) { FontSetsCBData d = { p, &sfs }; PHYSFS_enumerateFilesCallback("Fonts", fontSetEnumCB, &d); } void FileSystem::openRead(SDL_RWops &ops, const char *filename, FileType type, bool freeOnClose, const char **foundExt) { PHYSFS_File *handle = p->openReadHandle(filename, type, foundExt); p->initReadOps(handle, ops, freeOnClose); } void FileSystem::openReadRaw(SDL_RWops &ops, const char *filename, bool freeOnClose) { PHYSFS_File *handle = PHYSFS_openRead(filename); assert(handle); p->initReadOps(handle, ops, freeOnClose); } bool FileSystem::exists(const char *filename, FileType type) { char found[512]; return p->completeFileName(filename, type, found, sizeof(found), 0); }