/* ** tilemap.cpp ** ** This file is part of mkxp. ** ** Copyright (C) 2013 Jonas Kulla ** ** mkxp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** mkxp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with mkxp. If not, see . */ #include "tilemap.h" #include "viewport.h" #include "bitmap.h" #include "table.h" #include "sharedstate.h" #include "glstate.h" #include "gl-util.h" #include "gl-meta.h" #include "global-ibo.h" #include "etc-internal.h" #include "quadarray.h" #include "texpool.h" #include "quad.h" #include "vertex.h" #include "tileatlas.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern const StaticRect autotileRects[]; typedef std::vector SVVector; static const int tilesetW = 8 * 32; static const int autotileW = 3 * 32; static const int autotileH = 4 * 32; static const int autotileCount = 7; static const int atAreaW = autotileW * 4; static const int atAreaH = autotileH * autotileCount; static const int tsLaneW = tilesetW / 2; /* Map viewport size */ static const int viewpW = 21; static const int viewpH = 16; static const size_t scanrowsMax = viewpH + 5; /* Vocabulary: * * Atlas: A texture containing both the tileset and all * autotile images. This is so the entire tilemap can * be drawn from one texture (for performance reasons). * This means that we have to watch the 'modified' signals * of all Bitmaps that make up the atlas, and update it * as required during runtime. * The atlas is tightly packed, with the autotiles located * in the top left corener and the tileset image filing the * remaining open space (below the autotiles as well as * besides it). The tileset is vertically cut in half, where * the first half fills available texture space, and then the * other half (as if the right half was cut and pasted below * the left half before fitting it all into the atlas). * Internally these halves are called "tileset lanes". * There is a 32 pixel wide empty buffer below the autotile * area so the vertex shader can safely differentiate between * autotile and tileset vertices (relevant for autotile animation). * * Tile atlas * *-----------------------*--------------* * | | | | | ¦ | * | AT1 | AT1 | AT1 | AT1 | ¦ | * | FR0 | FR1 | FR2 | FR3 | | ¦ | | * |-----|-----|-----|-----| v ¦ v | * | | | | | ¦ | * | AT1 | | | | ¦ | * | | | | | ¦ | * |-----|-----|-----|-----| ¦ | * |[...]| | | | ¦ | * |-----|-----|-----|-----| ¦ | * | | | | | | ¦ | | * | AT7 | | | | v ¦ v | * | | | | | ¦ | * |-----|-----|-----|-----| ¦ | * | Empty space | | | * |-----------------------| | | * | ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ | * | Tile- ¦ | ¦ | ¦ ¦ | * | set ¦ v ¦ v ¦ ¦ | * | ¦ ¦ ¦ | ¦ | | * | | ¦ ¦ ¦ v ¦ v | * | v ¦ | ¦ | ¦ ¦ | * | ¦ v ¦ v ¦ ¦ | * | ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ | * *---------------------------------------* * * When allocating the atlas size, we first expand vertically * until all the space immediately below the autotile area * is used up, and then, when the max texture size * is reached, horizontally. * * To animate the autotiles, we catch any autotile vertices in * the tilemap shader based on their texcoord, and offset them * horizontally by (animation index) * (autotile frame width = 96). * * Elements: * Even though the Tilemap carries similarities with other * SceneElements, it is not one itself but composed of multiple * such elements (GroundLayer and ScanRows). * * GroundLayer: * Every tile with priority=0 is drawn at z=0, so we * collect all such tiles in one big quad array and * draw them at once. * * ScanRow: * Each tile in row n with priority=m is drawn at the same * z as every tile in row n-1 with priority=m-1. This means * we can collect all tiles sharing the same z in one quad * array and draw them at once. I call these collections * 'scanrows', as they're drawn from the top part of the map * (lowest z) to the bottom part (highest z). * Objects that would end up on the same scanrow are eg. trees. * * Map viewport: * This rectangle describes the subregion of the map that is * actually translated to vertices and stored on the GPU ready * for rendering. Whenever, ox/oy are modified, its position is * adjusted if necessary and the data is regenerated. Its size * is fixed. This is NOT related to the RGSS Viewport class! * */ static int wrap(int value, int range) { int res = value % range; return res < 0 ? res + range : res; } static int16_t tableGetWrapped(const Table *t, int x, int y, int z = 0) { return t->get(wrap(x, t->xSize()), wrap(y, t->ySize()), z); } /* Autotile animation */ static const uint8_t atAnimation[16*4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 }; static elementsN(atAnimation); /* Flash tiles pulsing opacity */ static const uint8_t flashAlpha[] = { /* Fade in */ 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x4B, 0x4B, 0x4B, 0x4B, 0x5A, 0x5A, 0x5A, 0x5A, 0x69, 0x69, 0x69, 0x69, /* Fade out */ 0x78, 0x78, 0x78, 0x78, 0x69, 0x69, 0x69, 0x69, 0x5A, 0x5A, 0x5A, 0x5A, 0x4B, 0x4B, 0x4B, 0x4B }; static elementsN(flashAlpha); struct GroundLayer : public ViewportElement { GLsizei vboCount; TilemapPrivate *p; GroundLayer(TilemapPrivate *p, Viewport *viewport); void updateVboCount(); void draw(); void drawInt(); void drawFlashInt(); void onGeometryChange(const Scene::Geometry &geo); }; struct ScanRow : public ViewportElement { size_t index; GLintptr vboOffset; GLsizei vboCount; TilemapPrivate *p; /* If this row is part of a batch and not * the head, it is 'muted' via this flag */ bool batchedFlag; /* If this row is a batch head, this variable * holds the element count of the entire batch */ GLsizei vboBatchCount; ScanRow(TilemapPrivate *p, Viewport *viewport); void setIndex(int value); void draw(); void drawInt(); static int calculateZ(TilemapPrivate *p, int index); void initUpdateZ(); void finiUpdateZ(ScanRow *prev); }; struct TilemapPrivate { Viewport *viewport; Tilemap::Autotiles autotilesProxy; Bitmap *autotiles[autotileCount]; Bitmap *tileset; DisposeWatch tilesetWatch; Table *mapData; Table *flashData; Table *priorities; bool visible; Vec2i offset; Vec2i dispPos; /* Tile atlas */ struct { TEXFBO gl; Vec2i size; /* Effective tileset height, * clamped to a multiple of 32 */ int efTilesetH; /* Indices of usable * (not null, not disposed) autotiles */ std::vector usableATs; /* Indices of animated autotiles */ std::vector animatedATs; } atlas; /* Map viewport position */ Vec2i viewpPos; /* Ground layer vertices */ SVVector groundVert; /* Scanrow vertices */ SVVector scanrowVert[scanrowsMax]; /* Base quad indices of each scanrow * in the shared buffer */ size_t scanrowBases[scanrowsMax+1]; /* Shared buffers for all tiles */ struct { GLMeta::VAO vao; VBO::ID vbo; bool animated; /* Animation state */ uint8_t frameIdx; uint8_t aniIdx; } tiles; /* Flash buffers */ struct { GLMeta::VAO vao; VBO::ID vbo; size_t quadCount; uint8_t alphaIdx; } flash; /* Scene elements */ struct { GroundLayer *ground; ScanRow* scanrows[scanrowsMax]; /* Used rows out of 'scanrows' (rest is hidden) */ size_t activeRows; Scene::Geometry sceneGeo; Vec2i sceneOffset; /* The ground and scanrow elements' creationStamp * should be aquired once (at Tilemap construction) * instead of regenerated everytime the elements are * (re)created. Scanrows can share one stamp because * their z always differs anway */ unsigned int groundStamp; unsigned int scanrowStamp; } elem; /* Affected by: autotiles, tileset */ bool atlasSizeDirty; /* Affected by: autotiles(.changed), tileset(.changed), allocateAtlas */ bool atlasDirty; /* Affected by: mapData(.changed), priorities(.changed) */ bool buffersDirty; /* Affected by: ox, oy */ bool mapViewportDirty; /* Affected by: oy */ bool zOrderDirty; /* Affected by: flashData, buffersDirty */ bool flashDirty; /* Resources are sufficient and tilemap is ready to be drawn */ bool tilemapReady; /* Change watches */ sigc::connection tilesetCon; sigc::connection autotilesCon[autotileCount]; sigc::connection mapDataCon; sigc::connection prioritiesCon; sigc::connection flashDataCon; /* Dispose watches */ sigc::connection autotilesDispCon[autotileCount]; /* Draw prepare call */ sigc::connection prepareCon; TilemapPrivate(Viewport *viewport) : viewport(viewport), tileset(0), tilesetWatch(this, tileset), mapData(0), flashData(0), priorities(0), visible(true), atlasSizeDirty(false), atlasDirty(false), buffersDirty(false), mapViewportDirty(false), zOrderDirty(false), flashDirty(false), tilemapReady(false) { memset(autotiles, 0, sizeof(autotiles)); atlas.animatedATs.reserve(autotileCount); atlas.efTilesetH = 0; tiles.animated = false; tiles.frameIdx = 0; tiles.aniIdx = 0; /* Init tile buffers */ tiles.vbo = VBO::gen(); GLMeta::vaoFillInVertexData(tiles.vao); tiles.vao.vbo = tiles.vbo; tiles.vao.ibo = shState->globalIBO().ibo; GLMeta::vaoInit(tiles.vao); /* Init flash buffers */ flash.vbo = VBO::gen(); GLMeta::vaoFillInVertexData(flash.vao); flash.vao.vbo = flash.vbo; flash.vao.ibo = shState->globalIBO().ibo; GLMeta::vaoInit(flash.vao); flash.quadCount = 0; flash.alphaIdx = 0; elem.groundStamp = shState->genTimeStamp(); elem.scanrowStamp = shState->genTimeStamp(); elem.ground = new GroundLayer(this, viewport); for (size_t i = 0; i < scanrowsMax; ++i) elem.scanrows[i] = new ScanRow(this, viewport); prepareCon = shState->prepareDraw.connect (sigc::mem_fun(this, &TilemapPrivate::prepare)); } ~TilemapPrivate() { /* Destroy elements */ delete elem.ground; for (size_t i = 0; i < scanrowsMax; ++i) delete elem.scanrows[i]; shState->releaseAtlasTex(atlas.gl); /* Destroy tile buffers */ GLMeta::vaoFini(tiles.vao); VBO::del(tiles.vbo); /* Destroy flash buffers */ GLMeta::vaoFini(flash.vao); VBO::del(flash.vbo); /* Disconnect signal handlers */ tilesetCon.disconnect(); for (int i = 0; i < autotileCount; ++i) { autotilesCon[i].disconnect(); autotilesDispCon[i].disconnect(); } mapDataCon.disconnect(); prioritiesCon.disconnect(); flashDataCon.disconnect(); prepareCon.disconnect(); } void updateAtlasInfo() { if (!tileset) { atlas.size = Vec2i(); return; } int tsH = tileset->height(); atlas.efTilesetH = tsH - (tsH % 32); atlas.size = TileAtlas::minSize(atlas.efTilesetH, glState.caps.maxTexSize); if (atlas.size.x < 0) throw Exception(Exception::MKXPError, "Cannot allocate big enough texture for tileset atlas"); } void updateAutotileInfo() { /* Check if and which autotiles are animated */ std::vector &usableATs = atlas.usableATs; std::vector &animatedATs = atlas.animatedATs; usableATs.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < autotileCount; ++i) { if (!autotiles[i]) continue; if (autotiles[i]->megaSurface()) continue; usableATs.push_back(i); if (autotiles[i]->width() > autotileW) animatedATs.push_back(i); } tiles.animated = !animatedATs.empty(); } void updateSceneGeometry(const Scene::Geometry &geo) { elem.sceneOffset.x = geo.rect.x - geo.xOrigin; elem.sceneOffset.y = geo.rect.y - geo.yOrigin; elem.sceneGeo = geo; } void updatePosition() { dispPos.x = -(offset.x - viewpPos.x * 32) + elem.sceneOffset.x; dispPos.y = -(offset.y - viewpPos.y * 32) + elem.sceneOffset.x; } void invalidateAtlasSize() { atlasSizeDirty = true; } void invalidateAtlasContents() { atlasDirty = true; } void invalidateBuffers() { buffersDirty = true; } void invalidateFlash() { flashDirty = true; } void onAutotileDisposed(int i) { /* RMXP actually crashes if an active autotile bitmap is disposed.. * let's not crash ourselves, for consistency's sake */ autotiles[i] = 0; autotilesCon[i].disconnect(); autotilesDispCon[i].disconnect(); atlasDirty = true; } /* Checks for the minimum amount of data needed to display */ bool verifyResources() { if (!tileset) return false; if (!mapData) return false; return true; } /* Allocates correctly sized TexFBO for atlas */ void allocateAtlas() { updateAtlasInfo(); /* Aquire atlas tex */ shState->releaseAtlasTex(atlas.gl); shState->requestAtlasTex(atlas.size.x, atlas.size.y, atlas.gl); atlasDirty = true; } /* Assembles atlas from tileset and autotile bitmaps */ void buildAtlas() { updateAutotileInfo(); TileAtlas::BlitVec blits = TileAtlas::calcBlits(atlas.efTilesetH, atlas.size); /* Clear atlas */ FBO::bind(atlas.gl.fbo); glState.clearColor.pushSet(Vec4()); glState.scissorTest.pushSet(false); FBO::clear(); glState.scissorTest.pop(); glState.clearColor.pop(); GLMeta::blitBegin(atlas.gl); /* Blit autotiles */ for (size_t i = 0; i < atlas.usableATs.size(); ++i) { const uint8_t atInd = atlas.usableATs[i]; Bitmap *autotile = autotiles[atInd]; int blitW = std::min(autotile->width(), atAreaW); int blitH = std::min(autotile->height(), atAreaH); GLMeta::blitSource(autotile->getGLTypes()); if (blitW <= autotileW && tiles.animated) { /* Static autotile */ for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) GLMeta::blitRectangle(IntRect(0, 0, blitW, blitH), Vec2i(autotileW*j, atInd*autotileH)); } else { /* Animated autotile */ GLMeta::blitRectangle(IntRect(0, 0, blitW, blitH), Vec2i(0, atInd*autotileH)); } } GLMeta::blitEnd(); /* Blit tileset */ if (tileset->megaSurface()) { /* Mega surface tileset */ TEX::bind(atlas.gl.tex); SDL_Surface *tsSurf = tileset->megaSurface(); for (size_t i = 0; i < blits.size(); ++i) { const TileAtlas::Blit &blitOp = blits[i]; GLMeta::subRectImageUpload(tsSurf->w, blitOp.src.x, blitOp.src.y, blitOp.dst.x, blitOp.dst.y, tsLaneW, blitOp.h, tsSurf, GL_RGBA); } GLMeta::subRectImageEnd(); } else { /* Regular tileset */ GLMeta::blitBegin(atlas.gl); GLMeta::blitSource(tileset->getGLTypes()); for (size_t i = 0; i < blits.size(); ++i) { const TileAtlas::Blit &blitOp = blits[i]; GLMeta::blitRectangle(IntRect(blitOp.src.x, blitOp.src.y, tsLaneW, blitOp.h), blitOp.dst); } GLMeta::blitEnd(); } } int samplePriority(int tileInd) { if (!priorities) return 0; if (tileInd > priorities->xSize()-1) return 0; int value = priorities->at(tileInd); if (value > 5) return -1; return value; } FloatRect getAutotilePieceRect(int x, int y, /* in pixel coords */ int corner) { switch (corner) { case 0 : break; case 1 : x += 16; break; case 2 : x += 16; y += 16; break; case 3 : y += 16; break; default: abort(); } return FloatRect(x, y, 16, 16); } void handleAutotile(int x, int y, int tileInd, SVVector *array) { /* Which autotile [0-7] */ int atInd = tileInd / 48 - 1; /* Which tile pattern of the autotile [0-47] */ int subInd = tileInd % 48; const StaticRect *pieceRect = &autotileRects[subInd*4]; /* Iterate over the 4 tile pieces */ for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { FloatRect posRect = getAutotilePieceRect(x*32, y*32, i); FloatRect texRect = pieceRect[i]; /* Adjust to atlas coordinates */ texRect.y += atInd * autotileH; SVertex v[4]; Quad::setTexPosRect(v, texRect, posRect); /* Iterate over 4 vertices */ for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) array->push_back(v[i]); } } void handleTile(int x, int y, int z) { int tileInd = tableGetWrapped(mapData, x + viewpPos.x, y + viewpPos.y, z); /* Check for empty space */ if (tileInd < 48) return; int prio = samplePriority(tileInd); /* Check for faulty data */ if (prio == -1) return; SVVector *targetArray; /* Prio 0 tiles are all part of the same ground layer */ if (prio == 0) { targetArray = &groundVert; } else { int scanInd = y + prio; targetArray = &scanrowVert[scanInd]; } /* Check for autotile */ if (tileInd < 48*8) { handleAutotile(x, y, tileInd, targetArray); return; } int tsInd = tileInd - 48*8; int tileX = tsInd % 8; int tileY = tsInd / 8; Vec2i texPos = TileAtlas::tileToAtlasCoor(tileX, tileY, atlas.efTilesetH, atlas.size.y); FloatRect texRect((float) texPos.x+.5, (float) texPos.y+.5, 31, 31); FloatRect posRect(x*32, y*32, 32, 32); SVertex v[4]; Quad::setTexPosRect(v, texRect, posRect); for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) targetArray->push_back(v[i]); } void clearQuadArrays() { groundVert.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < scanrowsMax; ++i) scanrowVert[i].clear(); } void buildQuadArray() { clearQuadArrays(); for (int x = 0; x < viewpW; ++x) for (int y = 0; y < viewpH; ++y) for (int z = 0; z < mapData->zSize(); ++z) handleTile(x, y, z); } static size_t quadDataSize(size_t quadCount) { return quadCount * sizeof(SVertex) * 4; } size_t scanrowSize(size_t index) { return scanrowBases[index+1] - scanrowBases[index]; } void uploadBuffers() { /* Calculate total quad count */ size_t groundQuadCount = groundVert.size() / 4; size_t quadCount = groundQuadCount; for (size_t i = 0; i < scanrowsMax; ++i) { scanrowBases[i] = quadCount; quadCount += scanrowVert[i].size() / 4; } scanrowBases[scanrowsMax] = quadCount; VBO::bind(tiles.vbo); VBO::allocEmpty(quadDataSize(quadCount)); VBO::uploadSubData(0, quadDataSize(groundQuadCount), &groundVert[0]); for (size_t i = 0; i < scanrowsMax; ++i) { if (scanrowVert[i].empty()) continue; VBO::uploadSubData(quadDataSize(scanrowBases[i]), quadDataSize(scanrowSize(i)), &scanrowVert[i][0]); } VBO::unbind(); /* Ensure global IBO size */ shState->ensureQuadIBO(quadCount); } void bindShader(ShaderBase *&shaderVar) { if (tiles.animated) { TilemapShader &tilemapShader = shState->shaders().tilemap; tilemapShader.bind(); tilemapShader.setAniIndex(tiles.frameIdx); shaderVar = &tilemapShader; } else { shaderVar = &shState->shaders().simple; shaderVar->bind(); } shaderVar->applyViewportProj(); } void bindAtlas(ShaderBase &shader) { TEX::bind(atlas.gl.tex); shader.setTexSize(atlas.size); } bool sampleFlashColor(Vec4 &out, int x, int y) { int16_t packed = tableGetWrapped(flashData, x, y); if (packed == 0) return false; const float max = 0xF; float b = ((packed & 0x000F) >> 0) / max; float g = ((packed & 0x00F0) >> 4) / max; float r = ((packed & 0x0F00) >> 8) / max; out = Vec4(r, g, b, 1); return true; } void updateFlash() { if (!flashData) return; std::vector vertices; for (int x = 0; x < viewpW; ++x) for (int y = 0; y < viewpH; ++y) { Vec4 color; if (!sampleFlashColor(color, x+viewpPos.x, y+viewpPos.y)) continue; FloatRect posRect(x*32, y*32, 32, 32); CVertex v[4]; Quad::setPosRect(v, posRect); Quad::setColor(v, color); for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) vertices.push_back(v[i]); } flash.quadCount = vertices.size() / 4; if (flash.quadCount == 0) return; VBO::bind(flash.vbo); VBO::uploadData(sizeof(CVertex) * vertices.size(), &vertices[0]); VBO::unbind(); /* Ensure global IBO size */ shState->ensureQuadIBO(flash.quadCount); } void updateActiveElements(std::vector &scanrowInd) { elem.ground->updateVboCount(); for (size_t i = 0; i < scanrowsMax; ++i) { if (i < scanrowInd.size()) { int index = scanrowInd[i]; elem.scanrows[i]->setVisible(visible); elem.scanrows[i]->setIndex(index); } else { /* Hide unused rows */ elem.scanrows[i]->setVisible(false); } } } void updateSceneElements() { /* Only allocate elements for non-emtpy scanrows */ std::vector scanrowInd; for (size_t i = 0; i < scanrowsMax; ++i) if (scanrowVert[i].size() > 0) scanrowInd.push_back(i); updateActiveElements(scanrowInd); elem.activeRows = scanrowInd.size(); zOrderDirty = false; } void hideElements() { elem.ground->setVisible(false); for (size_t i = 0; i < scanrowsMax; ++i) elem.scanrows[i]->setVisible(false); } void updateZOrder() { if (elem.activeRows == 0) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < elem.activeRows; ++i) elem.scanrows[i]->initUpdateZ(); ScanRow *prev = elem.scanrows[0]; prev->finiUpdateZ(0); for (size_t i = 1; i < elem.activeRows; ++i) { ScanRow *row = elem.scanrows[i]; row->finiUpdateZ(prev); prev = row; } } /* When there are two or more scanrows with no other * elements between them in the scene list, we can * render them in a batch (as the scanrow data itself * is ordered sequentially in VRAM). Every frame, we * scan the scene list for such sequential rows and * batch them up for drawing. The first row of the batch * (the "batch head") executes the draw call, all others * are muted via the 'batchedFlag'. For simplicity, * single sized batches are possible. */ void prepareScanrowBatches() { ScanRow *const *scanrows = elem.scanrows; for (size_t i = 0; i < elem.activeRows; ++i) { ScanRow *batchHead = scanrows[i]; batchHead->batchedFlag = false; GLsizei vboBatchCount = batchHead->vboCount; IntruListLink *iter = &batchHead->link; for (i = i+1; i < elem.activeRows; ++i) { iter = iter->next; ScanRow *row = scanrows[i]; /* Check if the next SceneElement is also * the next scanrow in our list. If not, * the current batch is complete */ if (iter != &row->link) break; vboBatchCount += row->vboCount; row->batchedFlag = true; } batchHead->vboBatchCount = vboBatchCount; --i; } } void updateMapViewport() { int tileOX, tileOY; if (offset.x >= 0) tileOX = offset.x / 32; else tileOX = -(-(offset.x-31) / 32); if (offset.y >= 0) tileOY = offset.y / 32; else tileOY = -(-(offset.y-31) / 32); bool dirty = false; if (tileOX < viewpPos.x || tileOX + 21 > viewpPos.x + viewpW) { viewpPos.x = tileOX; dirty = true; } if (tileOY < viewpPos.y || tileOY + 16 > viewpPos.y + viewpH) { viewpPos.y = tileOY; dirty = true; } if (dirty) { buffersDirty = true; flashDirty = true; updatePosition(); } } void prepare() { if (!verifyResources()) { if (tilemapReady) hideElements(); tilemapReady = false; return; } if (atlasSizeDirty) { allocateAtlas(); atlasSizeDirty = false; } if (atlasDirty) { buildAtlas(); atlasDirty = false; } if (mapViewportDirty) { updateMapViewport(); mapViewportDirty = false; } if (buffersDirty) { buildQuadArray(); uploadBuffers(); updateSceneElements(); buffersDirty = false; } if (flashDirty) { updateFlash(); flashDirty = false; } if (zOrderDirty) { updateZOrder(); zOrderDirty = false; } prepareScanrowBatches(); tilemapReady = true; } }; GroundLayer::GroundLayer(TilemapPrivate *p, Viewport *viewport) : ViewportElement(viewport, 0, p->elem.groundStamp), vboCount(0), p(p) { onGeometryChange(scene->getGeometry()); } void GroundLayer::updateVboCount() { vboCount = p->scanrowBases[0] * 6; } void GroundLayer::draw() { ShaderBase *shader; p->bindShader(shader); p->bindAtlas(*shader); GLMeta::vaoBind(p->tiles.vao); shader->setTranslation(p->dispPos); drawInt(); GLMeta::vaoUnbind(p->tiles.vao); if (p->flash.quadCount > 0) { GLMeta::vaoBind(p->flash.vao); glState.blendMode.pushSet(BlendAddition); FlashMapShader &shader = shState->shaders().flashMap; shader.bind(); shader.applyViewportProj(); shader.setAlpha(flashAlpha[p->flash.alphaIdx] / 255.f); shader.setTranslation(p->dispPos); drawFlashInt(); glState.blendMode.pop(); GLMeta::vaoUnbind(p->flash.vao); } } void GroundLayer::drawInt() { gl.DrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, vboCount, _GL_INDEX_TYPE, (GLvoid*) 0); } void GroundLayer::drawFlashInt() { gl.DrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, p->flash.quadCount * 6, _GL_INDEX_TYPE, 0); } void GroundLayer::onGeometryChange(const Scene::Geometry &geo) { p->updateSceneGeometry(geo); p->updatePosition(); } ScanRow::ScanRow(TilemapPrivate *p, Viewport *viewport) : ViewportElement(viewport, 0, p->elem.scanrowStamp), index(0), vboOffset(0), vboCount(0), p(p), vboBatchCount(0) {} void ScanRow::setIndex(int value) { index = value; z = calculateZ(p, index); scene->reinsert(*this); vboOffset = p->scanrowBases[index] * sizeof(index_t) * 6; vboCount = p->scanrowSize(index) * 6; } void ScanRow::draw() { if (batchedFlag) return; ShaderBase *shader; p->bindShader(shader); p->bindAtlas(*shader); GLMeta::vaoBind(p->tiles.vao); shader->setTranslation(p->dispPos); drawInt(); GLMeta::vaoUnbind(p->tiles.vao); } void ScanRow::drawInt() { gl.DrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, vboBatchCount, _GL_INDEX_TYPE, (GLvoid*) vboOffset); } int ScanRow::calculateZ(TilemapPrivate *p, int index) { return 32 * (index + p->viewpPos.y + 1) - p->offset.y; } void ScanRow::initUpdateZ() { unlink(); } void ScanRow::finiUpdateZ(ScanRow *prev) { z = calculateZ(p, index); if (prev) scene->insertAfter(*this, *prev); else scene->insert(*this); } void Tilemap::Autotiles::set(int i, Bitmap *bitmap) { if (i < 0 || i > autotileCount-1) return; if (p->autotiles[i] == bitmap) return; p->autotiles[i] = bitmap; p->invalidateAtlasContents(); p->autotilesCon[i].disconnect(); p->autotilesCon[i] = bitmap->modified.connect (sigc::mem_fun(p, &TilemapPrivate::invalidateAtlasContents)); p->autotilesDispCon[i].disconnect(); p->autotilesDispCon[i] = bitmap->wasDisposed.connect (sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(p, &TilemapPrivate::onAutotileDisposed), i)); p->updateAutotileInfo(); } Bitmap *Tilemap::Autotiles::get(int i) const { if (i < 0 || i > autotileCount-1) return 0; return p->autotiles[i]; } Tilemap::Tilemap(Viewport *viewport) { p = new TilemapPrivate(viewport); p->autotilesProxy.p = p; } Tilemap::~Tilemap() { delete p; } void Tilemap::update() { if (!p->tilemapReady) return; /* Animate flash */ if (++p->flash.alphaIdx >= flashAlphaN) p->flash.alphaIdx = 0; /* Animate autotiles */ if (!p->tiles.animated) return; p->tiles.frameIdx = atAnimation[p->tiles.aniIdx]; if (++p->tiles.aniIdx >= atAnimationN) p->tiles.aniIdx = 0; } Tilemap::Autotiles &Tilemap::getAutotiles() const { return p->autotilesProxy; } DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(Tilemap, Viewport, Viewport*, p->viewport) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(Tilemap, Tileset, Bitmap*, p->tileset) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(Tilemap, MapData, Table*, p->mapData) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(Tilemap, FlashData, Table*, p->flashData) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(Tilemap, Priorities, Table*, p->priorities) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(Tilemap, Visible, bool, p->visible) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(Tilemap, OX, int, p->offset.x) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(Tilemap, OY, int, p->offset.y) #ifdef RGSS2 void Tilemap::setViewport(Viewport *value) { if (p->viewport == value) return; p->viewport = value; if (!p->tilemapReady) return; p->elem.ground->setViewport(value); for (size_t i = 0; i < scanrowsMax; ++i) p->elem.scanrows[i]->setViewport(value); } #endif void Tilemap::setTileset(Bitmap *value) { if (p->tileset == value) return; p->tileset = value; p->tilesetWatch.update(value); if (!value) return; p->invalidateAtlasSize(); p->tilesetCon.disconnect(); p->tilesetCon = value->modified.connect (sigc::mem_fun(p, &TilemapPrivate::invalidateAtlasSize)); p->updateAtlasInfo(); } void Tilemap::setMapData(Table *value) { if (p->mapData == value) return; p->mapData = value; if (!value) return; p->invalidateBuffers(); p->mapDataCon.disconnect(); p->mapDataCon = value->modified.connect (sigc::mem_fun(p, &TilemapPrivate::invalidateBuffers)); } void Tilemap::setFlashData(Table *value) { if (p->flashData == value) return; p->flashData = value; if (!value) return; p->invalidateFlash(); p->flashDataCon.disconnect(); p->flashDataCon = value->modified.connect (sigc::mem_fun(p, &TilemapPrivate::invalidateFlash)); } void Tilemap::setPriorities(Table *value) { if (p->priorities == value) return; p->priorities = value; if (!value) return; p->invalidateBuffers(); p->prioritiesCon.disconnect(); p->prioritiesCon = value->modified.connect (sigc::mem_fun(p, &TilemapPrivate::invalidateBuffers)); } void Tilemap::setVisible(bool value) { if (p->visible == value) return; p->visible = value; if (!p->tilemapReady) return; p->elem.ground->setVisible(value); for (size_t i = 0; i < p->elem.activeRows; ++i) p->elem.scanrows[i]->setVisible(value); } void Tilemap::setOX(int value) { if (p->offset.x == value) return; p->offset.x = value; p->updatePosition(); p->mapViewportDirty = true; } void Tilemap::setOY(int value) { if (p->offset.y == value) return; p->offset.y = value; p->updatePosition(); p->zOrderDirty = true; p->mapViewportDirty = true; }