/* ** bitmap.cpp ** ** This file is part of mkxp. ** ** Copyright (C) 2013 Jonas Kulla ** ** mkxp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** mkxp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with mkxp. If not, see . */ #include "bitmap.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gl-util.h" #include "gl-meta.h" #include "quad.h" #include "quadarray.h" #include "transform.h" #include "exception.h" #include "sharedstate.h" #include "glstate.h" #include "texpool.h" #include "shader.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "font.h" #include "eventthread.h" #include "debugwriter.h" #define GUARD_MEGA \ { \ if (p->megaSurface) \ throw Exception(Exception::MKXPError, \ "Operation not supported for mega surfaces"); \ } #define OUTLINE_SIZE 1 /* Normalize (= ensure width and * height are positive) */ static IntRect normalizedRect(const IntRect &rect) { IntRect norm = rect; if (norm.w < 0) { norm.w = -norm.w; norm.x -= norm.w; } if (norm.h < 0) { norm.h = -norm.h; norm.y -= norm.h; } return norm; } struct BitmapPrivate { Bitmap *self; TEXFBO gl; Font *font; /* "Mega surfaces" are a hack to allow Tilesets to be used * whose Bitmaps don't fit into a regular texture. They're * kept in RAM and will throw an error if they're used in * any context other than as Tilesets */ SDL_Surface *megaSurface; /* A cached version of the bitmap in client memory, for * getPixel calls. Is invalidated any time the bitmap * is modified */ SDL_Surface *surface; SDL_PixelFormat *format; /* The 'tainted' area describes which parts of the * bitmap are not cleared, ie. don't have 0 opacity. * If we're blitting / drawing text to a cleared part * with full opacity, we can disregard any old contents * in the texture and blit to it directly, saving * ourselves the expensive blending calculation */ pixman_region16_t tainted; bool isCrop; CropTexture cropTex; TEX::ID cropTexTex; bool isResized; Vec2i resizedSize; TEX::ID resTex; BitmapPrivate(Bitmap *self) : self(self), megaSurface(0), surface(0), isCrop(false), isResized(false) { format = SDL_AllocFormat(SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888); font = &shState->defaultFont(); pixman_region_init(&tainted); } ~BitmapPrivate() { SDL_FreeFormat(format); pixman_region_fini(&tainted); } void allocSurface() { surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, gl.width, gl.height, format->BitsPerPixel, format->Rmask, format->Gmask, format->Bmask, format->Amask); } void clearTaintedArea() { pixman_region_fini(&tainted); pixman_region_init(&tainted); } void addTaintedArea(const IntRect &rect) { IntRect norm = normalizedRect(rect); pixman_region_union_rect (&tainted, &tainted, norm.x, norm.y, norm.w, norm.h); } void substractTaintedArea(const IntRect &rect) { if (!touchesTaintedArea(rect)) return; pixman_region16_t m_reg; pixman_region_init_rect(&m_reg, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h); pixman_region_subtract(&tainted, &m_reg, &tainted); pixman_region_fini(&m_reg); } bool touchesTaintedArea(const IntRect &rect) { pixman_box16_t box; box.x1 = rect.x; box.y1 = rect.y; box.x2 = rect.x + rect.w; box.y2 = rect.y + rect.h; pixman_region_overlap_t result = pixman_region_contains_rectangle(&tainted, &box); return result != PIXMAN_REGION_OUT; } void bindTexture(ShaderBase &shader) { TEX::bind(gl.tex); if (isCrop) shader.setTexSize(Vec2i(cropTex.w, cropTex.h)); else shader.setTexSize(Vec2i(gl.width, gl.height)); } void bindFBO() { FBO::bind(gl.fbo); } void pushSetViewport(ShaderBase &shader) const { glState.viewport.pushSet(IntRect(0, 0, gl.width, gl.height)); shader.applyViewportProj(); } void popViewport() const { glState.viewport.pop(); } void blitQuad(Quad &quad) { glState.blend.pushSet(false); quad.draw(); glState.blend.pop(); } void fillRect(const IntRect &rect, const Vec4 &color) { bindFBO(); glState.scissorTest.pushSet(true); glState.scissorBox.pushSet(normalizedRect(rect)); glState.clearColor.pushSet(color); FBO::clear(); glState.clearColor.pop(); glState.scissorBox.pop(); glState.scissorTest.pop(); } static void ensureFormat(SDL_Surface *&surf, Uint32 format) { if (surf->format->format == format) return; SDL_Surface *surfConv = SDL_ConvertSurfaceFormat(surf, format, 0); SDL_FreeSurface(surf); surf = surfConv; } void onModified(bool freeSurface = true) { if (surface && freeSurface) { SDL_FreeSurface(surface); surface = 0; } self->modified(); } }; struct BitmapOpenHandler : FileSystem::OpenHandler { SDL_Surface *surf; BitmapOpenHandler() : surf(0) {} bool tryRead(SDL_RWops &ops, const char *ext) { surf = IMG_LoadTyped_RW(&ops, 1, ext); return surf != 0; } }; Bitmap::Bitmap(const char *filename) { BitmapOpenHandler handler; shState->fileSystem().openRead(handler, filename); SDL_Surface *imgSurf = handler.surf; if (!imgSurf) throw Exception(Exception::SDLError, "Error loading image '%s': %s", filename, SDL_GetError()); bool isCrop = false; CropTexture cropTex; const std::vector &crops = shState->config().cropTexs; for (size_t i = 0; i < crops.size(); ++i) { if (crops[i].filename != filename) continue; Debug() << "Loading cropped texture:" << filename << crops[i].w << crops[i].h; isCrop = true; cropTex = crops[i]; break; } p->ensureFormat(imgSurf, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888); SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(imgSurf, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); // Try catching too large images, while trying NOT to catch giant tilesets if ((imgSurf->w > glState.caps.maxTexSize || imgSurf->h > glState.caps.maxTexSize) && imgSurf->w != 256 && !isCrop) { Vec2i resSize(imgSurf->w/2, imgSurf->h/2); while (resSize.x > glState.caps.maxTexSize || resSize.y > glState.caps.maxTexSize) { resSize.x = resSize.x/2; resSize.y = resSize.y/2; } Debug() << "Loading image" << filename << "at resolution" << resSize.x << resSize.y << "down from" << imgSurf->w << imgSurf->h; // Use texture with halved dimensions instead p = new BitmapPrivate(this); p->isResized = true; p->resizedSize = resSize; int bpp; Uint32 rm, gm, bm, am; SDL_PixelFormatEnumToMasks(SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888, &bpp, &rm, &gm, &bm, &am); SDL_Surface *resImg = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, resSize.x, resSize.y, bpp, rm, gm, bm, am); SDL_BlitScaled(imgSurf, 0, resImg, 0); TEX::ID tex = TEX::gen(); TEX::bind(tex); TEX::uploadImage(resImg->w, resImg->h, resImg->pixels, GL_RGBA); TEX::setRepeat(false); TEX::setSmooth(true); p->resTex = tex; p->gl.tex = tex; p->gl.width = imgSurf->w; p->gl.height = imgSurf->h; SDL_FreeSurface(imgSurf); SDL_FreeSurface(resImg); } else if ((imgSurf->h > glState.caps.maxTexSize) && !isCrop) // Too large tilesets go here { /* Mega surface */ p = new BitmapPrivate(this); p->megaSurface = imgSurf; SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(p->megaSurface, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); } else if (isCrop) { p = new BitmapPrivate(this); p->cropTex = cropTex; Vec2i resSize(cropTex.w, cropTex.h); while (resSize.x > glState.caps.maxTexSize || resSize.y > glState.caps.maxTexSize) { resSize.x = resSize.x/2; resSize.y = resSize.y/2; } TEX::ID tex = TEX::gen(); TEX::bind(tex); TEX::setRepeat(false); TEX::setSmooth(false); if (resSize == Vec2i(cropTex.w, cropTex.h)) { TEX::allocEmpty(cropTex.w, cropTex.h); GLMeta::subRectImageUpload(imgSurf->w, 0, 0, 0, 0, cropTex.w, cropTex.h, imgSurf, GL_RGBA); GLMeta::subRectImageEnd(); } else { int bpp; Uint32 rm, gm, bm, am; SDL_PixelFormatEnumToMasks(SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888, &bpp, &rm, &gm, &bm, &am); SDL_Surface *resImg = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, resSize.x, resSize.y, bpp, rm, gm, bm, am); IntRect src(0, 0, cropTex.w, cropTex.h); SDL_BlitScaled(imgSurf, &src, resImg, 0); TEX::uploadImage(resSize.x, resSize.y, resImg->pixels, GL_RGBA); SDL_FreeSurface(resImg); Debug() << "Loading cropped image" << filename << "at resolution" << resSize.x << resSize.y << "down from" << cropTex.w << cropTex.h; } p->cropTexTex = tex; p->gl.tex = tex; p->gl.width = imgSurf->w; p->gl.height = imgSurf->h; SDL_FreeSurface(imgSurf); } else { /* Regular surface */ TEXFBO tex; try { tex = shState->texPool().request(imgSurf->w, imgSurf->h); } catch (const Exception &e) { SDL_FreeSurface(imgSurf); throw e; } p = new BitmapPrivate(this); p->gl = tex; TEX::bind(p->gl.tex); TEX::uploadImage(p->gl.width, p->gl.height, imgSurf->pixels, GL_RGBA); SDL_FreeSurface(imgSurf); } p->isCrop = isCrop; p->addTaintedArea(rect()); } Bitmap::Bitmap(int width, int height) { if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) throw Exception(Exception::RGSSError, "failed to create bitmap"); TEXFBO tex = shState->texPool().request(width, height); p = new BitmapPrivate(this); p->gl = tex; clear(); } Bitmap::Bitmap(const Bitmap &other) { other.ensureNonMega(); p = new BitmapPrivate(this); p->gl = shState->texPool().request(other.width(), other.height()); blt(0, 0, other, rect()); } Bitmap::~Bitmap() { dispose(); } int Bitmap::width() const { guardDisposed(); if (p->megaSurface) return p->megaSurface->w; return p->gl.width; } int Bitmap::height() const { guardDisposed(); if (p->megaSurface) return p->megaSurface->h; return p->gl.height; } IntRect Bitmap::rect() const { guardDisposed(); return IntRect(0, 0, width(), height()); } void Bitmap::blt(int x, int y, const Bitmap &source, IntRect rect, int opacity) { if (source.isDisposed()) return; // FIXME: RGSS allows the source rect to both lie outside // the bitmap rect and be inverted in both directions; // clamping only covers a subset of these cases (and // doesn't fix anything for a direct stretch_blt call). /* Clamp rect to source bitmap size */ if (rect.x + rect.w > source.width()) rect.w = source.width() - rect.x; if (rect.y + rect.h > source.height()) rect.h = source.height() - rect.y; stretchBlt(IntRect(x, y, rect.w, rect.h), source, rect, opacity); } void Bitmap::stretchBlt(const IntRect &destRect, const Bitmap &source, const IntRect &sourceRect, int opacity) { guardDisposed(); GUARD_MEGA; if (source.isDisposed()) return; opacity = clamp(opacity, 0, 255); if (opacity == 0) return; SDL_Surface *srcSurf = source.megaSurface(); if (srcSurf && shState->config().subImageFix) { /* Blit from software surface, for broken GL drivers */ Vec2i gpTexSize; shState->ensureTexSize(sourceRect.w, sourceRect.h, gpTexSize); shState->bindTex(); GLMeta::subRectImageUpload(srcSurf->w, sourceRect.x, sourceRect.y, 0, 0, sourceRect.w, sourceRect.h, srcSurf, GL_RGBA); GLMeta::subRectImageEnd(); SimpleShader &shader = shState->shaders().simple; shader.bind(); shader.setTranslation(Vec2i()); shader.setTexSize(gpTexSize); p->pushSetViewport(shader); p->bindFBO(); Quad &quad = shState->gpQuad(); quad.setTexRect(FloatRect(0, 0, sourceRect.w, sourceRect.h)); quad.setPosRect(destRect); p->blitQuad(quad); p->popViewport(); p->addTaintedArea(destRect); p->onModified(); return; } else if (srcSurf) { /* Blit from software surface */ /* Don't do transparent blits for now */ if (opacity < 255) source.ensureNonMega(); SDL_Rect srcRect = sourceRect; SDL_Rect dstRect = destRect; SDL_Rect btmRect = { 0, 0, width(), height() }; SDL_Rect bltRect; if (SDL_IntersectRect(&btmRect, &dstRect, &bltRect) != SDL_TRUE) return; int bpp; Uint32 rMask, gMask, bMask, aMask; SDL_PixelFormatEnumToMasks(SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888, &bpp, &rMask, &gMask, &bMask, &aMask); SDL_Surface *blitTemp = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, destRect.w, destRect.h, bpp, rMask, gMask, bMask, aMask); SDL_BlitScaled(srcSurf, &srcRect, blitTemp, 0); TEX::bind(p->gl.tex); if (bltRect.w == dstRect.w && bltRect.h == dstRect.h) { /* Dest rectangle lies within bounding box */ TEX::uploadSubImage(destRect.x, destRect.y, destRect.w, destRect.h, blitTemp->pixels, GL_RGBA); } else { /* Clipped blit */ GLMeta::subRectImageUpload(blitTemp->w, bltRect.x - dstRect.x, bltRect.y - dstRect.y, bltRect.x, bltRect.y, bltRect.w, bltRect.h, blitTemp, GL_RGBA); GLMeta::subRectImageEnd(); } SDL_FreeSurface(blitTemp); p->onModified(); return; } if (opacity == 255 && !p->touchesTaintedArea(destRect)) { /* Fast blit */ GLMeta::blitBegin(p->gl); GLMeta::blitSource(source.p->gl); GLMeta::blitRectangle(sourceRect, destRect); GLMeta::blitEnd(); } else { /* Fragment pipeline */ float normOpacity = (float) opacity / 255.0f; TEXFBO &gpTex = shState->gpTexFBO(destRect.w, destRect.h); GLMeta::blitBegin(gpTex); GLMeta::blitSource(p->gl); GLMeta::blitRectangle(destRect, Vec2i()); GLMeta::blitEnd(); FloatRect bltSubRect((float) sourceRect.x / source.width(), (float) sourceRect.y / source.height(), ((float) source.width() / sourceRect.w) * ((float) destRect.w / gpTex.width), ((float) source.height() / sourceRect.h) * ((float) destRect.h / gpTex.height)); BltShader &shader = shState->shaders().blt; shader.bind(); shader.setDestination(gpTex.tex); shader.setSubRect(bltSubRect); shader.setOpacity(normOpacity); Quad &quad = shState->gpQuad(); quad.setTexPosRect(sourceRect, destRect); quad.setColor(Vec4(1, 1, 1, normOpacity)); source.p->bindTexture(shader); p->bindFBO(); p->pushSetViewport(shader); p->blitQuad(quad); p->popViewport(); } p->addTaintedArea(destRect); p->onModified(); } void Bitmap::fillRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, const Vec4 &color) { fillRect(IntRect(x, y, width, height), color); } void Bitmap::fillRect(const IntRect &rect, const Vec4 &color) { guardDisposed(); GUARD_MEGA; p->fillRect(rect, color); if (color.w == 0) /* Clear op */ p->substractTaintedArea(rect); else /* Fill op */ p->addTaintedArea(rect); p->onModified(); } void Bitmap::gradientFillRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, const Vec4 &color1, const Vec4 &color2, bool vertical) { gradientFillRect(IntRect(x, y, width, height), color1, color2, vertical); } void Bitmap::gradientFillRect(const IntRect &rect, const Vec4 &color1, const Vec4 &color2, bool vertical) { guardDisposed(); GUARD_MEGA; SimpleColorShader &shader = shState->shaders().simpleColor; shader.bind(); shader.setTranslation(Vec2i()); Quad &quad = shState->gpQuad(); if (vertical) { quad.vert[0].color = color1; quad.vert[1].color = color1; quad.vert[2].color = color2; quad.vert[3].color = color2; } else { quad.vert[0].color = color1; quad.vert[3].color = color1; quad.vert[1].color = color2; quad.vert[2].color = color2; } quad.setPosRect(rect); p->bindFBO(); p->pushSetViewport(shader); p->blitQuad(quad); p->popViewport(); p->addTaintedArea(rect); p->onModified(); } void Bitmap::clearRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) { clearRect(IntRect(x, y, width, height)); } void Bitmap::clearRect(const IntRect &rect) { guardDisposed(); GUARD_MEGA; p->fillRect(rect, Vec4()); p->onModified(); } void Bitmap::blur() { guardDisposed(); GUARD_MEGA; Quad &quad = shState->gpQuad(); FloatRect rect(0, 0, width(), height()); quad.setTexPosRect(rect, rect); TEXFBO auxTex = shState->texPool().request(width(), height()); BlurShader &shader = shState->shaders().blur; BlurShader::HPass &pass1 = shader.pass1; BlurShader::VPass &pass2 = shader.pass2; glState.blend.pushSet(false); glState.viewport.pushSet(IntRect(0, 0, width(), height())); TEX::bind(p->gl.tex); FBO::bind(auxTex.fbo); pass1.bind(); pass1.setTexSize(Vec2i(width(), height())); pass1.applyViewportProj(); quad.draw(); TEX::bind(auxTex.tex); p->bindFBO(); pass2.bind(); pass2.setTexSize(Vec2i(width(), height())); pass2.applyViewportProj(); quad.draw(); glState.viewport.pop(); glState.blend.pop(); shState->texPool().release(auxTex); p->onModified(); } void Bitmap::radialBlur(int angle, int divisions) { guardDisposed(); GUARD_MEGA; angle = clamp(angle, 0, 359); divisions = clamp(divisions, 2, 100); const int _width = width(); const int _height = height(); float angleStep = (float) angle / (divisions-1); float opacity = 1.0f / divisions; float baseAngle = -((float) angle / 2); ColorQuadArray qArray; qArray.resize(5); std::vector &vert = qArray.vertices; int i = 0; /* Center */ FloatRect texRect(0, 0, _width, _height); FloatRect posRect(0, 0, _width, _height); i += Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], texRect, posRect); /* Upper */ posRect = FloatRect(0, 0, _width, -_height); i += Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], texRect, posRect); /* Lower */ posRect = FloatRect(0, _height*2, _width, -_height); i += Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], texRect, posRect); /* Left */ posRect = FloatRect(0, 0, -_width, _height); i += Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], texRect, posRect); /* Right */ posRect = FloatRect(_width*2, 0, -_width, _height); i += Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], texRect, posRect); for (int i = 0; i < 4*5; ++i) vert[i].color = Vec4(1, 1, 1, opacity); qArray.commit(); TEXFBO newTex = shState->texPool().request(_width, _height); FBO::bind(newTex.fbo); glState.clearColor.pushSet(Vec4()); FBO::clear(); Transform trans; trans.setOrigin(Vec2(_width / 2.0f, _height / 2.0f)); trans.setPosition(Vec2(_width / 2.0f, _height / 2.0f)); glState.blendMode.pushSet(BlendAddition); SimpleMatrixShader &shader = shState->shaders().simpleMatrix; shader.bind(); p->bindTexture(shader); TEX::setSmooth(true); p->pushSetViewport(shader); for (int i = 0; i < divisions; ++i) { trans.setRotation(baseAngle + i*angleStep); shader.setMatrix(trans.getMatrix()); qArray.draw(); } p->popViewport(); TEX::setSmooth(false); glState.blendMode.pop(); glState.clearColor.pop(); shState->texPool().release(p->gl); p->gl = newTex; p->onModified(); } void Bitmap::clear() { guardDisposed(); GUARD_MEGA; p->bindFBO(); glState.clearColor.pushSet(Vec4()); FBO::clear(); glState.clearColor.pop(); p->clearTaintedArea(); p->onModified(); } static uint32_t &getPixelAt(SDL_Surface *surf, SDL_PixelFormat *form, int x, int y) { size_t offset = x*form->BytesPerPixel + y*surf->pitch; uint8_t *bytes = (uint8_t*) surf->pixels + offset; return *((uint32_t*) bytes); } Color Bitmap::getPixel(int x, int y) const { guardDisposed(); GUARD_MEGA; if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= width() || y >= height()) return Vec4(); if (!p->surface) { p->allocSurface(); FBO::bind(p->gl.fbo); glState.viewport.pushSet(IntRect(0, 0, width(), height())); gl.ReadPixels(0, 0, width(), height(), GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, p->surface->pixels); glState.viewport.pop(); } uint32_t pixel = getPixelAt(p->surface, p->format, x, y); return Color((pixel >> p->format->Rshift) & 0xFF, (pixel >> p->format->Gshift) & 0xFF, (pixel >> p->format->Bshift) & 0xFF, (pixel >> p->format->Ashift) & 0xFF); } void Bitmap::setPixel(int x, int y, const Color &color) { guardDisposed(); GUARD_MEGA; uint8_t pixel[] = { (uint8_t) clamp(color.red, 0, 255), (uint8_t) clamp(color.green, 0, 255), (uint8_t) clamp(color.blue, 0, 255), (uint8_t) clamp(color.alpha, 0, 255) }; TEX::bind(p->gl.tex); TEX::uploadSubImage(x, y, 1, 1, &pixel, GL_RGBA); p->addTaintedArea(IntRect(x, y, 1, 1)); /* Setting just a single pixel is no reason to throw away the * whole cached surface; we can just apply the same change */ if (p->surface) { uint32_t &surfPixel = getPixelAt(p->surface, p->format, x, y); surfPixel = SDL_MapRGBA(p->format, pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2], pixel[3]); } p->onModified(false); } void Bitmap::hueChange(int hue) { guardDisposed(); GUARD_MEGA; if ((hue % 360) == 0) return; TEXFBO newTex = shState->texPool().request(width(), height()); FloatRect texRect(rect()); Quad &quad = shState->gpQuad(); quad.setTexPosRect(texRect, texRect); quad.setColor(Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1)); HueShader &shader = shState->shaders().hue; shader.bind(); /* Shader expects normalized value */ shader.setHueAdjust(wrapRange(hue, 0, 359) / 360.0f); FBO::bind(newTex.fbo); p->pushSetViewport(shader); p->bindTexture(shader); p->blitQuad(quad); p->popViewport(); TEX::unbind(); shState->texPool().release(p->gl); p->gl = newTex; p->onModified(); } void Bitmap::drawText(int x, int y, int width, int height, const char *str, int align) { drawText(IntRect(x, y, width, height), str, align); } static std::string fixupString(const char *str) { std::string s(str); /* RMXP actually draws LF as a "missing gylph" box, * but since we might have accidentally converted CRs * to LFs when editing scripts on a Unix OS, treat them * as white space too */ for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) if (s[i] == '\r' || s[i] == '\n') s[i] = ' '; return s; } static void applyShadow(SDL_Surface *&in, const SDL_PixelFormat &fm, const SDL_Color &c) { SDL_Surface *out = SDL_CreateRGBSurface (0, in->w+1, in->h+1, fm.BitsPerPixel, fm.Rmask, fm.Gmask, fm.Bmask, fm.Amask); float fr = c.r / 255.0f; float fg = c.g / 255.0f; float fb = c.b / 255.0f; /* We allocate an output surface one pixel wider and higher than the input, * (implicitly) blit a copy of the input with RGB values set to black into * it with x/y offset by 1, then blend the input surface over it at origin * (0,0) using the bitmap blit equation (see shader/bitmapBlit.frag) */ for (int y = 0; y < in->h+1; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < in->w+1; ++x) { /* src: input pixel, shd: shadow pixel */ uint32_t src = 0, shd = 0; /* Output pixel location */ uint32_t *outP = ((uint32_t*) ((uint8_t*) out->pixels + y*out->pitch)) + x; if (y < in->h && x < in->w) src = ((uint32_t*) ((uint8_t*) in->pixels + y*in->pitch))[x]; if (y > 0 && x > 0) shd = ((uint32_t*) ((uint8_t*) in->pixels + (y-1)*in->pitch))[x-1]; /* Set shadow pixel RGB values to 0 (black) */ shd &= fm.Amask; if (x == 0 || y == 0) { *outP = src; continue; } if (x == in->w || y == in->h) { *outP = shd; continue; } /* Input and shadow alpha values */ uint8_t srcA, shdA; srcA = (src & fm.Amask) >> fm.Ashift; shdA = (shd & fm.Amask) >> fm.Ashift; if (srcA == 255 || shdA == 0) { *outP = src; continue; } if (srcA == 0 && shdA == 0) { *outP = 0; continue; } float fSrcA = srcA / 255.0f; float fShdA = shdA / 255.0f; /* Because opacity == 1, co1 == fSrcA */ float co2 = fShdA * (1.0f - fSrcA); /* Result alpha */ float fa = fSrcA + co2; /* Temp value to simplify arithmetic below */ float co3 = fSrcA / fa; /* Result colors */ uint8_t r, g, b, a; r = clamp(fr * co3, 0, 1) * 255.0f; g = clamp(fg * co3, 0, 1) * 255.0f; b = clamp(fb * co3, 0, 1) * 255.0f; a = clamp(fa, 0, 1) * 255.0f; *outP = SDL_MapRGBA(&fm, r, g, b, a); } /* Store new surface in the input pointer */ SDL_FreeSurface(in); in = out; } void Bitmap::drawText(const IntRect &rect, const char *str, int align) { guardDisposed(); GUARD_MEGA; std::string fixed = fixupString(str); str = fixed.c_str(); if (*str == '\0') return; if (str[0] == ' ' && str[1] == '\0') return; TTF_Font *font = p->font->getSdlFont(); const Color &fontColor = p->font->getColor(); const Color &outColor = p->font->getOutColor(); SDL_Color c = fontColor.toSDLColor(); c.a = 255; float txtAlpha = fontColor.norm.w; SDL_Surface *txtSurf; if (shState->rtData().config.solidFonts) txtSurf = TTF_RenderUTF8_Solid(font, str, c); else txtSurf = TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(font, str, c); p->ensureFormat(txtSurf, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888); int rawTxtSurfH = txtSurf->h; if (p->font->getShadow()) applyShadow(txtSurf, *p->format, c); /* outline using TTF_Outline and blending it together with SDL_BlitSurface * FIXME: outline is forced to have the same opacity as the font color */ if (p->font->getOutline()) { SDL_Color co = outColor.toSDLColor(); co.a = 255; SDL_Surface *outline; /* set the next font render to render the outline */ TTF_SetFontOutline(font, OUTLINE_SIZE); if (shState->rtData().config.solidFonts) outline = TTF_RenderUTF8_Solid(font, str, co); else outline = TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(font, str, co); p->ensureFormat(outline, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888); SDL_Rect outRect = {OUTLINE_SIZE, OUTLINE_SIZE, txtSurf->w, txtSurf->h}; SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(txtSurf, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); SDL_BlitSurface(txtSurf, NULL, outline, &outRect); SDL_FreeSurface(txtSurf); txtSurf = outline; /* reset outline to 0 */ TTF_SetFontOutline(font, 0); } int alignX = rect.x; switch (align) { default: case Left : break; case Center : alignX += (rect.w - txtSurf->w) / 2; break; case Right : alignX += rect.w - txtSurf->w; break; } if (alignX < rect.x) alignX = rect.x; int alignY = rect.y + (rect.h - rawTxtSurfH) / 2; float squeeze = (float) rect.w / txtSurf->w; if (squeeze > 1) squeeze = 1; FloatRect posRect(alignX, alignY, txtSurf->w * squeeze, txtSurf->h); Vec2i gpTexSize; shState->ensureTexSize(txtSurf->w, txtSurf->h, gpTexSize); bool fastBlit = !p->touchesTaintedArea(posRect) && txtAlpha == 1.0f; if (fastBlit) { if (squeeze == 1.0f && !shState->config().subImageFix) { /* Even faster: upload directly to bitmap texture. * We have to make sure the posRect lies within the texture * boundaries or texSubImage will generate errors. * If it partly lies outside bounds we have to upload * the clipped visible part of it. */ SDL_Rect btmRect; btmRect.x = btmRect.y = 0; btmRect.w = width(); btmRect.h = height(); SDL_Rect txtRect; txtRect.x = posRect.x; txtRect.y = posRect.y; txtRect.w = posRect.w; txtRect.h = posRect.h; SDL_Rect inters; /* If we have no intersection at all, * there's nothing to upload to begin with */ if (SDL_IntersectRect(&btmRect, &txtRect, &inters)) { bool subImage = false; int subSrcX = 0, subSrcY = 0; if (inters.w != txtRect.w || inters.h != txtRect.h) { /* Clip the text surface */ subSrcX = inters.x - txtRect.x; subSrcY = inters.y - txtRect.y; subImage = true; posRect.x = inters.x; posRect.y = inters.y; posRect.w = inters.w; posRect.h = inters.h; } TEX::bind(p->gl.tex); if (!subImage) { TEX::uploadSubImage(posRect.x, posRect.y, posRect.w, posRect.h, txtSurf->pixels, GL_RGBA); } else { GLMeta::subRectImageUpload(txtSurf->w, subSrcX, subSrcY, posRect.x, posRect.y, posRect.w, posRect.h, txtSurf, GL_RGBA); GLMeta::subRectImageEnd(); } } } else { /* Squeezing involved: need to use intermediary TexFBO */ TEXFBO &gpTF = shState->gpTexFBO(txtSurf->w, txtSurf->h); TEX::bind(gpTF.tex); TEX::uploadSubImage(0, 0, txtSurf->w, txtSurf->h, txtSurf->pixels, GL_RGBA); GLMeta::blitBegin(p->gl); GLMeta::blitSource(gpTF); GLMeta::blitRectangle(IntRect(0, 0, txtSurf->w, txtSurf->h), posRect, true); GLMeta::blitEnd(); } } else { /* Aquire a partial copy of the destination * buffer we're about to render to */ TEXFBO &gpTex2 = shState->gpTexFBO(posRect.w, posRect.h); GLMeta::blitBegin(gpTex2); GLMeta::blitSource(p->gl); GLMeta::blitRectangle(posRect, Vec2i()); GLMeta::blitEnd(); FloatRect bltRect(0, 0, (float) (gpTexSize.x * squeeze) / gpTex2.width, (float) gpTexSize.y / gpTex2.height); BltShader &shader = shState->shaders().blt; shader.bind(); shader.setTexSize(gpTexSize); shader.setSource(); shader.setDestination(gpTex2.tex); shader.setSubRect(bltRect); shader.setOpacity(txtAlpha); shState->bindTex(); TEX::uploadSubImage(0, 0, txtSurf->w, txtSurf->h, txtSurf->pixels, GL_RGBA); TEX::setSmooth(true); Quad &quad = shState->gpQuad(); quad.setTexRect(FloatRect(0, 0, txtSurf->w, txtSurf->h)); quad.setPosRect(posRect); p->bindFBO(); p->pushSetViewport(shader); p->blitQuad(quad); p->popViewport(); } SDL_FreeSurface(txtSurf); p->addTaintedArea(posRect); p->onModified(); } /* http://www.lemoda.net/c/utf8-to-ucs2/index.html */ static uint16_t utf8_to_ucs2(const char *_input, const char **end_ptr) { const unsigned char *input = reinterpret_cast(_input); *end_ptr = _input; if (input[0] == 0) return -1; if (input[0] < 0x80) { *end_ptr = _input + 1; return input[0]; } if ((input[0] & 0xE0) == 0xE0) { if (input[1] == 0 || input[2] == 0) return -1; *end_ptr = _input + 3; return (input[0] & 0x0F)<<12 | (input[1] & 0x3F)<<6 | (input[2] & 0x3F); } if ((input[0] & 0xC0) == 0xC0) { if (input[1] == 0) return -1; *end_ptr = _input + 2; return (input[0] & 0x1F)<<6 | (input[1] & 0x3F); } return -1; } IntRect Bitmap::textSize(const char *str) { guardDisposed(); GUARD_MEGA; TTF_Font *font = p->font->getSdlFont(); std::string fixed = fixupString(str); str = fixed.c_str(); int w, h; TTF_SizeUTF8(font, str, &w, &h); /* If str is one character long, *endPtr == 0 */ const char *endPtr; uint16_t ucs2 = utf8_to_ucs2(str, &endPtr); /* For cursive characters, returning the advance * as width yields better results */ if (p->font->getItalic() && *endPtr == '\0') TTF_GlyphMetrics(font, ucs2, 0, 0, 0, 0, &w); return IntRect(0, 0, w, h); } DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(Bitmap, Font, Font&, *p->font) void Bitmap::setFont(Font &value) { *p->font = value; } void Bitmap::setInitFont(Font *value) { p->font = value; } TEXFBO &Bitmap::getGLTypes() { return p->gl; } SDL_Surface *Bitmap::megaSurface() const { return p->megaSurface; } void Bitmap::ensureNonMega() const { if (isDisposed()) return; GUARD_MEGA; } void Bitmap::bindTex(ShaderBase &shader) { p->bindTexture(shader); } void Bitmap::taintArea(const IntRect &rect) { p->addTaintedArea(rect); } void Bitmap::releaseResources() { if (p->megaSurface) SDL_FreeSurface(p->megaSurface); else if (p->isCrop) TEX::del(p->cropTexTex); else if (p->isResized) TEX::del(p->resTex); else shState->texPool().release(p->gl); delete p; }