/* ** config.cpp ** ** This file is part of mkxp. ** ** Copyright (C) 2013 Jonas Kulla ** ** mkxp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** mkxp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with mkxp. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "debugwriter.h" #include "util.h" #ifdef INI_ENCODING extern "C" { #include } #include #include #endif /* http://stackoverflow.com/a/1031773 */ static bool validUtf8(const char *string) { const uint8_t *bytes = (uint8_t*) string; while(*bytes) { if( (/* ASCII * use bytes[0] <= 0x7F to allow ASCII control characters */ bytes[0] == 0x09 || bytes[0] == 0x0A || bytes[0] == 0x0D || (0x20 <= bytes[0] && bytes[0] <= 0x7E) ) ) { bytes += 1; continue; } if( (/* non-overlong 2-byte */ (0xC2 <= bytes[0] && bytes[0] <= 0xDF) && (0x80 <= bytes[1] && bytes[1] <= 0xBF) ) ) { bytes += 2; continue; } if( (/* excluding overlongs */ bytes[0] == 0xE0 && (0xA0 <= bytes[1] && bytes[1] <= 0xBF) && (0x80 <= bytes[2] && bytes[2] <= 0xBF) ) || (/* straight 3-byte */ ((0xE1 <= bytes[0] && bytes[0] <= 0xEC) || bytes[0] == 0xEE || bytes[0] == 0xEF) && (0x80 <= bytes[1] && bytes[1] <= 0xBF) && (0x80 <= bytes[2] && bytes[2] <= 0xBF) ) || (/* excluding surrogates */ bytes[0] == 0xED && (0x80 <= bytes[1] && bytes[1] <= 0x9F) && (0x80 <= bytes[2] && bytes[2] <= 0xBF) ) ) { bytes += 3; continue; } if( (/* planes 1-3 */ bytes[0] == 0xF0 && (0x90 <= bytes[1] && bytes[1] <= 0xBF) && (0x80 <= bytes[2] && bytes[2] <= 0xBF) && (0x80 <= bytes[3] && bytes[3] <= 0xBF) ) || (/* planes 4-15 */ (0xF1 <= bytes[0] && bytes[0] <= 0xF3) && (0x80 <= bytes[1] && bytes[1] <= 0xBF) && (0x80 <= bytes[2] && bytes[2] <= 0xBF) && (0x80 <= bytes[3] && bytes[3] <= 0xBF) ) || (/* plane 16 */ bytes[0] == 0xF4 && (0x80 <= bytes[1] && bytes[1] <= 0x8F) && (0x80 <= bytes[2] && bytes[2] <= 0xBF) && (0x80 <= bytes[3] && bytes[3] <= 0xBF) ) ) { bytes += 4; continue; } return false; } return true; } typedef std::vector StringVec; namespace po = boost::program_options; Config::Config() : debugMode(false), winResizable(false), fullscreen(false), fixedAspectRatio(true), smoothScaling(false), vsync(false), defScreenW(DEF_SCREEN_W), defScreenH(DEF_SCREEN_H), fixedFramerate(0), frameSkip(true), solidFonts(false), gameFolder("."), anyAltToggleFS(false), allowSymlinks(false), pathCache(true), useScriptNames(false) { midi.chorus = false; midi.reverb = false; SE.sourceCount = 6; } void Config::read(int argc, char *argv[]) { #define PO_DESC_ALL \ PO_DESC(debugMode, bool) \ PO_DESC(winResizable, bool) \ PO_DESC(fullscreen, bool) \ PO_DESC(fixedAspectRatio, bool) \ PO_DESC(smoothScaling, bool) \ PO_DESC(vsync, bool) \ PO_DESC(defScreenW, int) \ PO_DESC(defScreenH, int) \ PO_DESC(fixedFramerate, int) \ PO_DESC(frameSkip, bool) \ PO_DESC(solidFonts, bool) \ PO_DESC(gameFolder, std::string) \ PO_DESC(anyAltToggleFS, bool) \ PO_DESC(allowSymlinks, bool) \ PO_DESC(iconPath, std::string) \ PO_DESC(titleLanguage, std::string) \ PO_DESC(midi.soundFont, std::string) \ PO_DESC(midi.chorus, bool) \ PO_DESC(midi.reverb, bool) \ PO_DESC(SE.sourceCount, int) \ PO_DESC(customScript, std::string) \ PO_DESC(pathCache, bool) \ PO_DESC(useScriptNames, bool) // Not gonna take your shit boost #define GUARD_ALL( exp ) try { exp } catch(...) {} #define PO_DESC(key, type) (#key, po::value< type >()->default_value(key)) po::options_description podesc; podesc.add_options() PO_DESC_ALL ("preloadScript", po::value()->composing()) ("RTP", po::value()->composing()) ("fontSub", po::value()->composing()) ("rubyLoadpath", po::value()->composing()) ; po::variables_map vm; /* Parse command line options */ po::parsed_options cmdPo = po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(podesc) .allow_unregistered() .run(); GUARD_ALL( po::store(cmdPo, vm); ) /* Parse configuration file (mkxp.conf) */ std::ifstream confFile; confFile.open("mkxp.conf"); if (confFile) { GUARD_ALL( po::store(po::parse_config_file(confFile, podesc, true), vm); ) } confFile.close(); po::notify(vm); #undef PO_DESC #define PO_DESC(key, type) GUARD_ALL( key = vm[#key].as< type >(); ) PO_DESC_ALL; GUARD_ALL( preloadScripts = vm["preloadScript"].as(); ); GUARD_ALL( rtps = vm["RTP"].as(); ); GUARD_ALL( fontSubs = vm["fontSub"].as(); ); GUARD_ALL( rubyLoadpaths = vm["rubyLoadpath"].as(); ) #undef PO_DESC #undef PO_DESC_ALL SE.sourceCount = clamp(SE.sourceCount, 1, 64); } static std::string baseName(const std::string &path) { size_t pos = path.find_last_of("/\\"); if (pos == path.npos) return path; return path.substr(pos + 1); } void Config::readGameINI() { if (!customScript.empty()) { game.title = baseName(customScript); return; } po::options_description podesc; podesc.add_options() ("Game.Title", po::value()) ("Game.Scripts", po::value()) ; std::string iniPath = gameFolder + "/Game.ini"; std::ifstream iniFile; iniFile.open((iniPath).c_str()); po::variables_map vm; GUARD_ALL( po::store(po::parse_config_file(iniFile, podesc, true), vm); ) po::notify(vm); iniFile.close(); GUARD_ALL( game.title = vm["Game.Title"].as(); ); GUARD_ALL( game.scripts = vm["Game.Scripts"].as(); ); strReplace(game.scripts, '\\', '/'); #ifdef INI_ENCODING /* Can add more later */ const char *languages[] = { titleLanguage.c_str(), GUESS_REGION_JP, /* Japanese */ GUESS_REGION_KR, /* Korean */ GUESS_REGION_CN, /* Chinese */ 0 }; bool convSuccess = true; /* Verify that the game title is UTF-8, and if not, * try to determine the encoding and convert to UTF-8 */ if (!validUtf8(game.title.c_str())) { const char *encoding = 0; convSuccess = false; for (size_t i = 0; languages[i]; ++i) { encoding = libguess_determine_encoding(game.title.c_str(), game.title.size(), languages[i]); if (encoding) break; } if (encoding) { iconv_t cd = iconv_open("UTF-8", encoding); size_t inLen = game.title.size(); size_t outLen = inLen * 4; std::string buf(outLen, '\0'); char *inPtr = const_cast(game.title.c_str()); char *outPtr = const_cast(buf.c_str()); errno = 0; size_t result = iconv(cd, &inPtr, &inLen, &outPtr, &outLen); iconv_close(cd); if (result != (size_t) -1 && errno == 0) { buf.resize(buf.size()-outLen); game.title = buf; convSuccess = true; } } } if (!convSuccess) game.title.clear(); #else if (!validUtf8(game.title.c_str())) game.title.clear(); #endif if (game.title.empty()) game.title = baseName(gameFolder); }