/* ** window-vx.cpp ** ** This file is part of mkxp. ** ** Copyright (C) 2014 Jonas Kulla ** ** mkxp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** mkxp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with mkxp. If not, see . */ #include "windowvx.h" #include "bitmap.h" #include "etc.h" #include "etc-internal.h" #include "quad.h" #include "quadarray.h" #include "sharedstate.h" #include "texpool.h" #include "tilequad.h" #include "glstate.h" #include "shader.h" #include #include template struct Sides { T l, r, t, b; }; template struct Corners { T tl, tr, bl, br; }; static const IntRect bgStretchSrc( 0, 0, 64, 64 ); static const IntRect bgTileSrc ( 0, 64, 64, 64 ); static const Corners cornerSrc = { IntRect( 64, 0, 16, 16 ), IntRect( 112, 0, 16, 16 ), IntRect( 64, 48, 16, 16 ), IntRect( 112, 48, 16, 16 ) }; static const Sides borderSrc = { IntRect( 64, 16, 16, 32 ), IntRect( 112, 16, 16, 32 ), IntRect( 80, 0, 32, 16 ), IntRect( 80, 48, 32, 16 ) }; static const Sides scrollArrowSrc = { IntRect( 80, 24, 8, 16 ), IntRect( 104, 24, 8, 16 ), IntRect( 88, 16, 16, 8 ), IntRect( 88, 40, 16, 8 ) }; static const IntRect pauseSrc[4] = { IntRect( 96, 64, 16, 16 ), IntRect( 112, 64, 16, 16 ), IntRect( 96, 80, 16, 16 ), IntRect( 112, 80, 16, 16 ) }; struct CursorSrc { Corners corners; Sides border; IntRect bg; }; static const CursorSrc cursorSrc = { { IntRect( 64, 64, 4, 4 ), IntRect( 92, 64, 4, 4 ), IntRect( 64, 92, 4, 4 ), IntRect( 92, 92, 4, 4 ) }, { IntRect( 64, 68, 4, 24 ), IntRect( 92, 68, 4, 24 ), IntRect( 68, 64, 24, 4 ), IntRect( 68, 92, 24, 4 ) }, IntRect( 68, 68, 24, 24 ) }; static const uint8_t cursorAlpha[] = { /* Fade out */ 0xFF, 0xF7, 0xEF, 0xE7, 0xDF, 0xD7, 0xCF, 0xC7, 0xBF, 0xB7, 0xAF, 0xA7, 0x9F, 0x97, 0x8F, 0x87, 0x7F, 0x77, 0x6F, 0x67, /* Fade in */ 0x5F, 0x67, 0x6F, 0x77, 0x7F, 0x87, 0x8F, 0x97, 0x9F, 0xA7, 0xAF, 0xB7, 0xBF, 0xC7, 0xCF, 0xD7, 0xDF, 0xE7, 0xEF, 0xF7 }; static elementsN(cursorAlpha); static const uint8_t cursorAlphaResetIdx = 0x10; /* No cycle */ static const uint8_t pauseAlpha[] = { 0x00, 0x20, 0x40, 0x60, 0x80, 0xA0, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xFF }; static elementsN(pauseAlpha); /* Cycling */ static const uint8_t pauseQuad[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 }; static elementsN(pauseQuad); typedef DisposeWatch BitmapWatch; struct WindowVXPrivate { Bitmap *windowskin; BitmapWatch windowskinWatch; Bitmap *contents; BitmapWatch contentsWatch; Rect *cursorRect; bool active; bool arrowsVisible; bool pause; /* Externally visible width/height */ int width, height; /* Window geometry (x, Y, width, height) * with non-negative size */ IntRect geo; /* ox / oy */ Vec2i contentsOff; int padding; int paddingBottom; NormValue opacity; NormValue backOpacity; NormValue contentsOpacity; NormValue openness; Tone *tone; sigc::connection cursorRectCon; sigc::connection toneCon; sigc::connection prepareCon; EtcTemps tmp; struct { TEXFBO tex; ColorQuadArray vert; size_t bgTileQuads; size_t borderQuads; Quad quad; bool vertDirty; bool texSizeDirty; bool texDirty; } base; ColorQuadArray ctrlVert; size_t ctrlQuads; Vertex *pauseVert; Quad contentsQuad; IntRect padRect; IntRect clipRect; ColorQuadArray cursorVert; bool ctrlVertDirty; bool ctrlVertArrayDirty; bool clipRectDirty; bool cursorVertDirty; bool cursorVertArrayDirty; uint8_t pauseAlphaIdx; uint8_t pauseQuadIdx; uint8_t cursorAlphaIdx; Vec2i sceneOffset; WindowVXPrivate(int x, int y, int w, int h) : windowskin(0), windowskinWatch(*this, windowskin), contents(0), contentsWatch(*this, contents), cursorRect(&tmp.rect), active(true), arrowsVisible(true), pause(false), width(w), height(h), geo(x, y, w, h), padding(12), paddingBottom(padding), opacity(255), backOpacity(192), contentsOpacity(255), openness(255), tone(&tmp.tone), pauseAlphaIdx(0), pauseQuadIdx(0) { /* 4 scroll arrows + pause */ ctrlVert.resize(4 + 1); pauseVert = &ctrlVert.vertices[4*4]; base.vertDirty = true; base.texSizeDirty = true; base.texDirty = true; ctrlVertDirty = true; clipRectDirty = true; prepareCon = shState->prepareDraw.connect (sigc::mem_fun(this, &WindowVXPrivate::prepare)); refreshCursorRectCon(); } ~WindowVXPrivate() { shState->texPool().release(base.tex); cursorRectCon.disconnect(); toneCon.disconnect(); prepareCon.disconnect(); } void invalidateCursorVert() { cursorVertDirty = true; } void invalidateBaseTex() { base.texDirty = true; } void refreshCursorRectCon() { cursorRectCon.disconnect(); cursorRectCon = cursorRect->valueChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun(this, &WindowVXPrivate::invalidateCursorVert)); } void refreshToneCon() { toneCon.disconnect(); toneCon = tone->valueChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun(this, &WindowVXPrivate::invalidateBaseTex)); } void updateBaseTexSize() { if (base.tex.width >= geo.w && base.tex.height >= geo.h) return; if (base.tex.tex != TEX::ID(0)) { TEX::bind(base.tex.tex); TEX::setSmooth(false); // XXX make pool set this up at alloc time } shState->texPool().release(base.tex); TEXFBO::clear(base.tex); if (geo.w == 0 || geo.h == 0) return; base.tex = shState->texPool().request(geo.w, geo.h); TEX::bind(base.tex.tex); TEX::setSmooth(true); updateBaseQuad(); } void rebuildBaseVert() { if (geo.w == 0 || geo.h == 0) { base.vert.clear(); base.vert.commit(); return; } const IntRect bgPos(2, 2, geo.w-4, geo.h-4); size_t count = 0; /* Stretched layer (1) */ count += 1; /* Tiled layer (2) */ base.bgTileQuads = TileQuads::twoDimCount(bgTileSrc.w, bgTileSrc.h, bgPos.w, bgPos.h); count += base.bgTileQuads; const Vec2 corOff(geo.w - 16, geo.h - 16); const Corners cornerPos = { FloatRect( 0, 0, 16, 16 ), /* Top left */ FloatRect( corOff.x, 0, 16, 16 ), /* Top right */ FloatRect( 0, corOff.y, 16, 16 ), /* Bottom left */ FloatRect( corOff.x, corOff.y, 16, 16 ) /* Bottom right */ }; const Vec2i sideLen(geo.w - 16*2, geo.h - 16*2); bool drawSidesLR = sideLen.x > 0; bool drawSidesTB = sideLen.y > 0; base.borderQuads = 0; base.borderQuads += 4; /* 4 corners */ if (drawSidesLR) base.borderQuads += TileQuads::oneDimCount(32, sideLen.y) * 2; if (drawSidesTB) base.borderQuads += TileQuads::oneDimCount(32, sideLen.x) * 2; count += base.borderQuads; base.vert.resize(count); Vertex *vert = &base.vert.vertices[0]; size_t i = 0; /* Stretched background */ i += Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], bgStretchSrc, bgPos); /* Tiled background */ i += TileQuads::build(bgTileSrc, bgPos, &vert[i*4]); /* Corners */ i += Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], cornerSrc.tl, cornerPos.tl); i += Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], cornerSrc.tr, cornerPos.tr); i += Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], cornerSrc.bl, cornerPos.bl); i += Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], cornerSrc.br, cornerPos.br); /* Sides */ if (drawSidesLR) { i += TileQuads::buildV(borderSrc.l, sideLen.y, 0, 16, &vert[i*4]); i += TileQuads::buildV(borderSrc.r, sideLen.y, corOff.x, 16, &vert[i*4]); } if (drawSidesTB) { i += TileQuads::buildH(borderSrc.t, sideLen.x, 16, 0, &vert[i*4]); i += TileQuads::buildH(borderSrc.b, sideLen.x, 16, corOff.y, &vert[i*4]); } base.vert.commit(); } void redrawBaseTex() { if (!windowskin) return; if (base.tex.tex == TEX::ID(0)) return; FBO::bind(base.tex.fbo); /* Clear texture */ glState.clearColor.pushSet(Vec4()); FBO::clear(); glState.clearColor.pop(); glState.viewport.pushSet(IntRect(0, 0, base.tex.width, base.tex.height)); glState.blend.pushSet(false); ShaderBase *shader; if (backOpacity < 255 || tone->hasEffect()) { PlaneShader &planeShader = shState->shaders().plane; planeShader.bind(); planeShader.setColor(Vec4()); planeShader.setFlash(Vec4()); planeShader.setTone(tone->norm); planeShader.setOpacity(backOpacity.norm); shader = &planeShader; } else { shader = &shState->shaders().simple; shader->bind(); } windowskin->bindTex(*shader); TEX::setSmooth(true); shader->setTranslation(Vec2i()); shader->applyViewportProj(); /* Draw stretched layer */ base.vert.draw(0, 1); glState.blend.set(true); glState.blendMode.pushSet(BlendKeepDestAlpha); /* Draw tiled layer */ base.vert.draw(1, base.bgTileQuads); glState.blendMode.set(BlendNormal); /* If we used plane shader before, switch to simple */ if (shader != &shState->shaders().simple) { shader = &shState->shaders().simple; shader->bind(); shader->setTranslation(Vec2i()); shader->applyViewportProj(); windowskin->bindTex(*shader); } base.vert.draw(1+base.bgTileQuads, base.borderQuads); TEX::setSmooth(false); glState.blendMode.pop(); glState.blend.pop(); glState.viewport.pop(); } void updateBaseQuad() { const FloatRect tex(0, 0, base.tex.width, base.tex.height); const FloatRect pos(0, (geo.h / 2.0) * (1 - openness.norm), geo.w, geo.h * openness.norm); base.quad.setTexPosRect(tex, pos); } void updateClipRect() { SDL_Rect winRect = { 0, 0, geo.w, geo.h }; padRect.x = padRect.y = padding; padRect.w = std::max(0, geo.w - padding*2); padRect.h = std::max(0, geo.h - (padding+paddingBottom)); SDL_Rect tmp = padRect; SDL_IntersectRect(&winRect, &tmp, &tmp); clipRect = IntRect(tmp.x, tmp.y, tmp.w, tmp.h); ctrlVertDirty = true; } void rebuildCtrlVert() { const int arrowTBX = (geo.w - 16) / 2; const int arrowLRY = (geo.h - 16) / 2; const Sides arrowPos = { FloatRect( 4, arrowLRY, 8, 16 ), /* Left */ FloatRect( geo.w - 12, arrowLRY, 8, 16 ), /* Right */ FloatRect( arrowTBX, 4, 16, 8 ), /* Top */ FloatRect( arrowTBX, geo.h - 12, 16, 8 ) /* Bottom */ }; size_t i = 0; Vertex *vert = &ctrlVert.vertices[0]; if (contents && arrowsVisible) { if (contentsOff.x > 0) i += Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], scrollArrowSrc.l, arrowPos.l); if (contentsOff.y > 0) i += Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], scrollArrowSrc.t, arrowPos.t); if (padRect.w < (contents->width() - contentsOff.x)) i += Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], scrollArrowSrc.r, arrowPos.r); if (padRect.h < (contents->height() - contentsOff.y)) i += Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], scrollArrowSrc.b, arrowPos.b); } pauseVert = 0; if (pause) { const FloatRect pausePos(arrowTBX, geo.h - 16, 16, 16); pauseVert = &vert[i*4]; i += Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], pauseSrc[0], pausePos); } ctrlQuads = i; ctrlVertArrayDirty = true; } void rebuildCursorVert() { const IntRect rect = cursorRect->toIntRect(); const CursorSrc &src = cursorSrc; cursorVertArrayDirty = true; if (rect.w <= 0 || rect.h <= 0) { cursorVert.clear(); return; } const Vec2 corOff(rect.w - 4, rect.h - 4); const Corners cornerPos = { FloatRect( 0, 0, 4, 4 ), /* Top left */ FloatRect( corOff.x, 0, 4, 4 ), /* Top right */ FloatRect( 0, corOff.y, 4, 4 ), /* Bottom left */ FloatRect( corOff.x, corOff.y, 4, 4 ) /* Bottom right */ }; const Vec2i sideLen(rect.w - 4*2, rect.h - 4*2); const Sides sidePos = { FloatRect( 0, 4, 4, sideLen.y ), /* Left */ FloatRect( corOff.x, 4, 4, sideLen.y ), /* Right */ FloatRect( 4, 0, sideLen.x, 4 ), /* Top */ FloatRect( 4, corOff.y, sideLen.x, 4 ) /* Bottom */ }; const FloatRect bgPos(4, 4, sideLen.x, sideLen.y); bool drawSidesLR = rect.h > 8; bool drawSidesTB = rect.w > 8; bool drawBg = drawSidesLR && drawSidesTB; size_t quads = 0; quads += 4; /* 4 corners */ if (drawSidesLR) quads += 2; if (drawSidesTB) quads += 2; if (drawBg) quads += 1; cursorVert.resize(quads); Vertex *vert = &cursorVert.vertices[0]; size_t i = 0; i += Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], src.corners.tl, cornerPos.tl); i += Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], src.corners.tr, cornerPos.tr); i += Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], src.corners.bl, cornerPos.bl); i += Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], src.corners.br, cornerPos.br); if (drawSidesLR) { i += Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], src.border.l, sidePos.l); i += Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], src.border.r, sidePos.r); } if (drawSidesTB) { i += Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], src.border.t, sidePos.t); i += Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], src.border.b, sidePos.b); } if (drawBg) Quad::setTexPosRect(&vert[i*4], src.bg, bgPos); } void updatePauseQuad() { if (!pauseVert) return; /* Set quad */ Quad::setTexRect(pauseVert, pauseSrc[pauseQuad[pauseQuadIdx]]); /* Set opacity */ Quad::setColor(pauseVert, Vec4(1, 1, 1, pauseAlpha[pauseAlphaIdx] / 255.0)); ctrlVertArrayDirty = true; } void updateCursorAlpha() { if (cursorVert.count() == 0) return; Vec4 color(1, 1, 1, cursorAlpha[cursorAlphaIdx] / 255.0); for (size_t i = 0; i < cursorVert.count(); ++i) Quad::setColor(&cursorVert.vertices[i*4], color); cursorVertArrayDirty = true; } void stepAnimations() { if (active) if (++cursorAlphaIdx == cursorAlphaN) cursorAlphaIdx = 0; if (pause) { if (pauseAlphaIdx < pauseAlphaN-1) ++pauseAlphaIdx; if (++pauseQuadIdx == pauseQuadN) pauseQuadIdx = 0; } } void prepare() { if (base.vertDirty) { rebuildBaseVert(); base.vertDirty = false; base.texDirty = true; } if (base.texSizeDirty) { updateBaseTexSize(); base.texSizeDirty = false; base.texDirty = true; } if (base.texDirty) { redrawBaseTex(); base.texDirty = false; } if (clipRectDirty) { updateClipRect(); clipRectDirty = false; } if (ctrlVertDirty) { rebuildCtrlVert(); updatePauseQuad(); ctrlVertDirty = false; } if (ctrlVertArrayDirty) { ctrlVert.commit(); ctrlVertArrayDirty = false; } if (cursorVertDirty) { rebuildCursorVert(); updateCursorAlpha(); cursorVertDirty = false; } if (cursorVertArrayDirty) { cursorVert.commit(); cursorVertArrayDirty = false; } } void draw() { if (base.tex.tex == TEX::ID(0)) return; Vec2i trans(geo.x + sceneOffset.x, geo.y + sceneOffset.y); SimpleAlphaShader &shader = shState->shaders().simpleAlpha; shader.bind(); shader.applyViewportProj(); if (windowskin) { shader.setTranslation(trans); shader.setTexSize(Vec2i(base.tex.width, base.tex.height)); TEX::bind(base.tex.tex); base.quad.draw(); if (openness < 255) return; windowskin->bindTex(shader); TEX::setSmooth(true); ctrlVert.draw(0, ctrlQuads); TEX::setSmooth(false); } if (openness < 255) return; bool drawCursor = cursorVert.count() > 0 && windowskin; if (drawCursor || contents) { /* Translate cliprect from local into screen space */ IntRect clip = clipRect; clip.x += trans.x; clip.y += trans.y; glState.scissorBox.push(); glState.scissorTest.pushSet(true); glState.scissorBox.setIntersect(clip); IntRect pad = padRect; pad.x += trans.x; pad.y += trans.y; if (drawCursor) { Vec2i contTrans = pad.pos(); contTrans.x += -contentsOff.x + cursorRect->x; contTrans.y += -contentsOff.y + cursorRect->y; shader.setTranslation(contTrans); TEX::setSmooth(true); cursorVert.draw(); TEX::setSmooth(false); } if (contents) { Vec2i contTrans = pad.pos(); contTrans.x -= contentsOff.x; contTrans.y -= contentsOff.y; shader.setTranslation(contTrans); TEX::setSmooth(false); // XXX contents->bindTex(shader); contentsQuad.draw(); } glState.scissorBox.pop(); glState.scissorTest.pop(); } TEX::setSmooth(false); // XXX FIND out a way to eliminate } }; WindowVX::WindowVX(Viewport *viewport) : ViewportElement(viewport, 100) { p = new WindowVXPrivate(0, 0, 0, 0); onGeometryChange(scene->getGeometry()); } WindowVX::WindowVX(int x, int y, int width, int height) : ViewportElement(0, 100) { p = new WindowVXPrivate(x, y, width, height); onGeometryChange(scene->getGeometry()); } WindowVX::~WindowVX() { unlink(); delete p; } void WindowVX::update() { p->stepAnimations(); p->updatePauseQuad(); p->updateCursorAlpha(); } void WindowVX::move(int x, int y, int width, int height) { p->width = width; p->height = height; const Vec2i size(std::max(0, width), std::max(0, height)); if (p->geo.w != size.x || p->geo.h != size.y) p->base.texSizeDirty = true; p->geo = IntRect(x, y, size.x, size.y); } bool WindowVX::isOpen() const { return p->openness == 255; } bool WindowVX::isClosed() const { return p->openness == 0; } DEF_ATTR_SIMPLE(WindowVX, X, int, p->geo.x) DEF_ATTR_SIMPLE(WindowVX, Y, int, p->geo.y) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(WindowVX, Windowskin, Bitmap*, p->windowskin) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(WindowVX, Contents, Bitmap*, p->contents) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(WindowVX, CursorRect, Rect*, p->cursorRect) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(WindowVX, Active, bool, p->active) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(WindowVX, ArrowsVisible, bool, p->arrowsVisible) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(WindowVX, Pause, bool, p->pause) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(WindowVX, Width, int, p->width) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(WindowVX, Height, int, p->height) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(WindowVX, OX, int, p->contentsOff.x) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(WindowVX, OY, int, p->contentsOff.y) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(WindowVX, Padding, int, p->padding) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(WindowVX, PaddingBottom, int, p->paddingBottom) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(WindowVX, Opacity, int, p->opacity) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(WindowVX, BackOpacity, int, p->backOpacity) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(WindowVX, ContentsOpacity, int, p->contentsOpacity) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(WindowVX, Openness, int, p->openness) DEF_ATTR_RD_SIMPLE(WindowVX, Tone, Tone*, p->tone) void WindowVX::setWindowskin(Bitmap *value) { if (p->windowskin == value) return; p->windowskin = value; p->windowskinWatch.update(value); p->base.texDirty = true; } void WindowVX::setContents(Bitmap *value) { if (p->contents == value) return; p->contents = value; p->contentsWatch.update(value); FloatRect rect = p->contents->rect(); p->contentsQuad.setTexPosRect(rect, rect); } void WindowVX::setCursorRect(Rect *value) { if (p->cursorRect == value) return; p->cursorRect = value; p->cursorVertDirty = true; p->refreshCursorRectCon(); } void WindowVX::setActive(bool value) { if (p->active == value) return; p->active = value; p->cursorAlphaIdx = cursorAlphaResetIdx; p->updateCursorAlpha(); } void WindowVX::setArrowsVisible(bool value) { if (p->arrowsVisible == value) return; p->arrowsVisible = value; p->ctrlVertDirty = true; } void WindowVX::setPause(bool value) { if (p->pause == value) return; p->pause = value; p->pauseAlphaIdx = 0; p->pauseQuadIdx = 0; p->ctrlVertDirty = true; } void WindowVX::setWidth(int value) { if (p->width == value) return; p->width = value; p->geo.w = std::max(0, value); p->base.vertDirty = true; p->base.texSizeDirty = true; p->clipRectDirty = true; p->ctrlVertDirty = true; } void WindowVX::setHeight(int value) { if (p->height == value) return; p->height = value; p->geo.h = std::max(0, value); p->base.vertDirty = true; p->base.texSizeDirty = true; p->clipRectDirty = true; p->ctrlVertDirty = true; } void WindowVX::setOX(int value) { if (p->contentsOff.x == value) return; p->contentsOff.x = value; p->ctrlVertDirty = true; } void WindowVX::setOY(int value) { if (p->contentsOff.y == value) return; p->contentsOff.y = value; p->ctrlVertDirty = true; } void WindowVX::setPadding(int value) { if (p->padding == value) return; p->padding = value; p->paddingBottom = value; p->clipRectDirty = true; } void WindowVX::setPaddingBottom(int value) { if (p->paddingBottom == value) return; p->paddingBottom = value; p->clipRectDirty = true; } void WindowVX::setOpacity(int value) { if (p->opacity == value) return; p->opacity = value; p->base.quad.setColor(Vec4(1, 1, 1, p->opacity.norm)); } void WindowVX::setBackOpacity(int value) { if (p->backOpacity == value) return; p->backOpacity = value; p->base.texDirty = true; } void WindowVX::setContentsOpacity(int value) { if (p->contentsOpacity == value) return; p->contentsOpacity = value; p->contentsQuad.setColor(Vec4(1, 1, 1, p->contentsOpacity.norm)); } void WindowVX::setOpenness(int value) { if (p->openness == value) return; p->openness = value; p->updateBaseQuad(); } void WindowVX::setTone(Tone *value) { if (p->tone == value) return; p->tone = value; p->refreshToneCon(); } void WindowVX::draw() { p->draw(); } void WindowVX::onGeometryChange(const Scene::Geometry &geo) { p->sceneOffset.x = geo.rect.x - geo.xOrigin; p->sceneOffset.y = geo.rect.y - geo.yOrigin; }