/* ** sharedstate.cpp ** ** This file is part of mkxp. ** ** Copyright (C) 2013 Jonas Kulla ** ** mkxp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** mkxp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with mkxp. If not, see . */ #include "sharedstate.h" #include "util.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "input.h" #include "audio.h" #include "glstate.h" #include "shader.h" #include "texpool.h" #include "font.h" #include "eventthread.h" #include "gl-util.h" #include "global-ibo.h" #include "quad.h" #include "binding.h" #include "exception.h" #ifdef MIDI #include "sharedmidistate.h" #endif #include #include #include SharedState *SharedState::instance = 0; int SharedState::rgssVersion = 0; static GlobalIBO *_globalIBO = 0; static const char *defGameArchive() { if (rgssVer == 1) return "Game.rgssad"; else if (rgssVer == 2) return "Game.rgss2a"; else if (rgssVer == 3) return "Game.rgss3a"; assert(!"unreachable"); return 0; } struct SharedStatePrivate { void *bindingData; SDL_Window *sdlWindow; Scene *screen; FileSystem fileSystem; EventThread &eThread; RGSSThreadData &rtData; Config &config; #ifdef MIDI SharedMidiState midiState; #endif Graphics graphics; Input input; Audio audio; GLState _glState; ShaderSet shaders; TexPool texPool; SharedFontState fontState; Font *defaultFont; TEX::ID globalTex; int globalTexW, globalTexH; TEXFBO gpTexFBO; TEXFBO atlasTex; Quad gpQuad; unsigned int stampCounter; SharedStatePrivate(RGSSThreadData *threadData) : bindingData(0), sdlWindow(threadData->window), fileSystem(threadData->argv0, threadData->config.allowSymlinks), eThread(*threadData->ethread), rtData(*threadData), config(threadData->config), #ifdef MIDI midiState(threadData->config), #endif graphics(threadData), audio(threadData->config), fontState(threadData->config), stampCounter(0) { if (!config.gameFolder.empty()) { int result = chdir(config.gameFolder.c_str()); if (result != 0) throw Exception(Exception::MKXPError, "Unable to switch into gameFolder '%s'", config.gameFolder.c_str()); } // FIXME find out correct archive filename std::string archPath = defGameArchive(); /* Check if a game archive exists */ FILE *tmp = fopen(archPath.c_str(), "r"); if (tmp) { fileSystem.addPath(archPath.c_str()); fclose(tmp); } fileSystem.addPath("."); for (size_t i = 0; i < config.rtps.size(); ++i) fileSystem.addPath(config.rtps[i].c_str()); if (config.pathCache) fileSystem.createPathCache(); fileSystem.initFontSets(fontState); globalTexW = 128; globalTexH = 64; globalTex = TEX::gen(); TEX::bind(globalTex); TEX::setRepeat(false); TEX::setSmooth(false); TEX::allocEmpty(globalTexW, globalTexH); TEXFBO::init(gpTexFBO); /* Reuse starting values */ TEXFBO::allocEmpty(gpTexFBO, globalTexW, globalTexH); TEXFBO::linkFBO(gpTexFBO); /* RGSS3 games will call setup_midi, so there's * no need to do it on startup */ #if MIDI if (rgssVer <= 2) midiState.initDefaultSynths(); #endif } ~SharedStatePrivate() { TEX::del(globalTex); TEXFBO::fini(gpTexFBO); TEXFBO::fini(atlasTex); } }; void SharedState::initInstance(RGSSThreadData *threadData) { /* This section is tricky because of dependencies: * SharedState depends on GlobalIBO existing, * Font depends on SharedState existing */ rgssVersion = threadData->config.rgssVersion; Font::initDefaults(); _globalIBO = new GlobalIBO(); _globalIBO->ensureSize(1); SharedState::instance = 0; Font *defaultFont = 0; try { SharedState::instance = new SharedState(threadData); defaultFont = new Font(); } catch (const Exception &exc) { delete _globalIBO; delete SharedState::instance; delete defaultFont; throw exc; } SharedState::instance->p->defaultFont = defaultFont; } void SharedState::finiInstance() { delete SharedState::instance->p->defaultFont; delete SharedState::instance; delete _globalIBO; } void SharedState::setScreen(Scene &screen) { p->screen = &screen; } #define GSATT(type, lower) \ type SharedState :: lower() const \ { \ return p->lower; \ } GSATT(void*, bindingData) GSATT(SDL_Window*, sdlWindow) GSATT(Scene*, screen) GSATT(FileSystem&, fileSystem) GSATT(EventThread&, eThread) GSATT(RGSSThreadData&, rtData) GSATT(Config&, config) GSATT(Graphics&, graphics) GSATT(Input&, input) GSATT(Audio&, audio) GSATT(GLState&, _glState) GSATT(ShaderSet&, shaders) GSATT(TexPool&, texPool) GSATT(Quad&, gpQuad) GSATT(SharedFontState&, fontState) #ifdef MIDI GSATT(SharedMidiState&, midiState) #endif void SharedState::setBindingData(void *data) { p->bindingData = data; } void SharedState::ensureQuadIBO(size_t minSize) { _globalIBO->ensureSize(minSize); } GlobalIBO &SharedState::globalIBO() { return *_globalIBO; } void SharedState::bindTex() { TEX::bind(p->globalTex); TEX::allocEmpty(p->globalTexW, p->globalTexH); } void SharedState::ensureTexSize(int minW, int minH, Vec2i ¤tSizeOut) { if (minW > p->globalTexW) p->globalTexW = findNextPow2(minW); if (minH > p->globalTexH) p->globalTexH = findNextPow2(minH); currentSizeOut = Vec2i(p->globalTexW, p->globalTexH); } TEXFBO &SharedState::gpTexFBO(int minW, int minH) { bool needResize = false; if (minW > p->gpTexFBO.width) { p->gpTexFBO.width = findNextPow2(minW); needResize = true; } if (minH > p->gpTexFBO.height) { p->gpTexFBO.height = findNextPow2(minH); needResize = true; } if (needResize) { TEX::bind(p->gpTexFBO.tex); TEX::allocEmpty(p->gpTexFBO.width, p->gpTexFBO.height); } return p->gpTexFBO; } void SharedState::requestAtlasTex(int w, int h, TEXFBO &out) { TEXFBO tex; if (w == p->atlasTex.width && h == p->atlasTex.height) { tex = p->atlasTex; p->atlasTex = TEXFBO(); } else { TEXFBO::init(tex); TEXFBO::allocEmpty(tex, w, h); TEXFBO::linkFBO(tex); } out = tex; } void SharedState::releaseAtlasTex(TEXFBO &tex) { /* No point in caching an invalid object */ if (tex.tex == TEX::ID(0)) return; TEXFBO::fini(p->atlasTex); p->atlasTex = tex; } void SharedState::checkShutdown() { if (!p->rtData.rqTerm) return; p->rtData.rqTermAck = true; p->texPool.disable(); scriptBinding->terminate(); } Font &SharedState::defaultFont() const { return *p->defaultFont; } unsigned int SharedState::genTimeStamp() { return p->stampCounter++; } SharedState::SharedState(RGSSThreadData *threadData) { p = new SharedStatePrivate(threadData); p->screen = p->graphics.getScreen(); } SharedState::~SharedState() { delete p; }