/* ** midisource.cpp ** ** This file is part of mkxp. ** ** Copyright (C) 2014 Jonas Kulla ** ** mkxp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** mkxp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with mkxp. If not, see . */ #include "aldatasource.h" #include "al-util.h" #include "exception.h" #include "sharedstate.h" #include "sharedmidistate.h" #include "util.h" #include "debugwriter.h" #include "fluid-fun.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Vocabulary: * * Tick: * Ticks are the smallest batch of samples that fluidsynth * allows midi state changes to take effect in, ie. if two midi * events are fired within less than a tick, it will look as * if they fired at the same time. Midisource therefore always * synthesizes sample blocks which are multiples of ticks. * One tick is 64 samples, or 32 frames with two channels. * * Delta: * Deltas are the abstract time unit in which the relative * offsets between midi events are encoded. */ #define TICK_FRAMES 32 #define BUF_TICKS (STREAM_BUF_SIZE / TICK_FRAMES) #define DEFAULT_BPM 120 #define LOOP_MARKER 111 enum MidiEventType { NoteOff, NoteOn, ChanTouch, PitchBend, CC, PC, Tempo, Last }; struct ChannelEvent { uint8_t chan; }; struct NoteEvent : ChannelEvent { uint8_t key; uint8_t vel; }; struct NoteTouchEvent : ChannelEvent { uint8_t val; }; struct PitchBendEvent : ChannelEvent { uint16_t val; }; struct CCEvent : ChannelEvent { uint8_t ctrl; uint8_t val; }; struct PCEvent : ChannelEvent { uint8_t prog; }; struct TempoEvent { uint32_t bpm; }; struct MidiEvent { MidiEventType type; uint32_t delta; union { ChannelEvent chan; NoteEvent note; NoteTouchEvent chanTouch; PitchBendEvent pitchBend; CCEvent cc; PCEvent pc; TempoEvent tempo; } e; }; struct MidiReadHandler { virtual void onMidiHeader(uint16_t midiType, uint16_t trackCount, uint16_t division) = 0; virtual void onMidiTrackBegin() = 0; virtual void onMidiEvent(const MidiEvent &e, uint32_t absDelta) = 0; }; static void badMidiFormat() { throw Exception(Exception::MKXPError, "Midi: Bad format"); } /* File-like interface to a read-only memory buffer */ struct MemChunk { const std::vector &data; size_t i; MemChunk(const std::vector &data) : data(data), i(0) {} uint8_t readByte() { if (i >= data.size()) endOfFile(); return data[i++]; } void readData(void *buf, size_t n) { if (i + n > data.size()) endOfFile(); memcpy(buf, &data[i], n); i += n; } void skipData(size_t n) { if ((i += n) > data.size()) endOfFile(); } void endOfFile() { throw Exception(Exception::MKXPError, "Midi: EOF"); } }; static uint32_t readVarNum(MemChunk &chunk) { uint32_t result = 0; uint8_t byte; uint8_t len = 0; do { /* A variable length number can at most be made of 4 bytes */ if (++len > 4) badMidiFormat(); byte = chunk.readByte(); result = (result << 0x7) | (byte & 0x7F); } while (byte & 0x80); return result; } template static T readBigEndian(MemChunk &chunk) { T result = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(T); ++i) result = (result << 0x8) | chunk.readByte(); return result; } static void readVoiceEvent(MidiEvent &e, MemChunk &chunk, uint8_t type, uint8_t data1, bool &handled) { e.e.chan.chan = (type & 0x0F); uint8_t tmp; switch (type >> 4) { case 0x8 : e.type = NoteOff; e.e.note.key = data1; chunk.readByte(); /* We don't care about velocity */ break; case 0x9 : e.type = NoteOn; e.e.note.key = data1; e.e.note.vel = chunk.readByte(); break; case 0xA : /* Note aftertouch unhandled */ handled = false; break; case 0xB : e.type = CC; e.e.cc.ctrl = data1; e.e.cc.val = chunk.readByte(); break; case 0xC : e.type = PC; e.e.pc.prog = data1; break; case 0xD : e.type = ChanTouch; e.e.chanTouch.val = data1; break; case 0xE : e.type = PitchBend; tmp = chunk.readByte(); e.e.pitchBend.val = ((tmp & 0x7F) << 7) | (data1 & 0x7F); break; default : assert(!"unreachable"); break; } } static void readEvent(MidiReadHandler *handler, MemChunk &chunk, uint8_t &prevType, uint32_t &deltaBase, uint32_t &deltaCarry, bool &endOfTrack) { MidiEvent e; bool handled = true; e.delta = readVarNum(chunk); uint8_t type = chunk.readByte(); /* Check for running status */ if (!(type & 0x80)) { /* Running status for meta/system events is not allowed */ if (prevType == 0) badMidiFormat(); /* Running status voice event: 'type' becomes * first data byte instead */ readVoiceEvent(e, chunk, prevType, type, handled); goto event_read; } if ((type >> 4) != 0xF) { /* Normal voice event */ readVoiceEvent(e, chunk, type, chunk.readByte(), handled); prevType = type; } else if (type == 0xFF) { /* Meta event */ uint8_t metaType = chunk.readByte(); uint32_t len = readVarNum(chunk); if (metaType == 0x51) { /* Tempo event */ if (len != 3) badMidiFormat(); uint8_t data[3]; chunk.readData(data, 3); uint32_t mpqn = (data[0] << 0x10) | (data[1] << 0x08) | (data[2] << 0x00); e.type = Tempo; e.e.tempo.bpm = 60000000.0 / mpqn; } else if (metaType == 0x2F) { /* End-of-track event */ if (len != 0) badMidiFormat(); endOfTrack = true; handled = false; } else { handled = false; } if (!handled) chunk.skipData(len); prevType = 0; } else if (type == 0xF0 || type == 0xF7) { /* SysEx event */ uint32_t len = readVarNum(chunk); handled = false; chunk.skipData(len); prevType = 0; } else { badMidiFormat(); } event_read: if (handled) { e.delta += deltaCarry; deltaCarry = 0; deltaBase += e.delta; handler->onMidiEvent(e, deltaBase); } else { deltaCarry += e.delta; } } void readMidiTrack(MidiReadHandler *handler, MemChunk &chunk) { /* Track signature */ char sig[5] = { 0 }; chunk.readData(sig, 4); if (strcmp(sig, "MTrk")) badMidiFormat(); handler->onMidiTrackBegin(); uint32_t trackLen = readBigEndian(chunk); /* The combined delta of all events on this track so far */ uint32_t deltaBase = 0; /* If we don't care about an event, instead of inserting a * useless event, we carry over its delta into the next one */ uint32_t deltaCarry = 0; /* Holds the previous status byte for voice event, in case * we encounter a running status */ uint8_t prevType = 0; /* The 'EndOfTrack' meta event will toggle this flag on */ bool endOfTrack = false; size_t savedPos = chunk.i; /* Read all events */ while (!endOfTrack) readEvent(handler, chunk, prevType, deltaBase, deltaCarry, endOfTrack); /* Check that the track byte length from the header * matches the amount we actually ended up reading */ if ((chunk.i - savedPos) != trackLen) badMidiFormat(); } void readMidi(MidiReadHandler *handler, const std::vector &data) { MemChunk chunk(data); /* Midi signature */ char sig[5] = { 0 }; chunk.readData(sig, 4); if (strcmp(sig, "MThd")) badMidiFormat(); /* Header length must always be 6 */ uint32_t hdrLen = readBigEndian(chunk); if (hdrLen != 6) badMidiFormat(); /* Only types 0, 1, 2 exist */ uint16_t type = readBigEndian(chunk); if (type > 2) badMidiFormat(); /* Type 0 only contains one track */ uint16_t trackCount = readBigEndian(chunk); if (trackCount == 0) badMidiFormat(); if (type == 0 && trackCount > 1) badMidiFormat(); uint16_t timeDiv = readBigEndian(chunk); handler->onMidiHeader(type, trackCount, timeDiv); /* Read tracks */ for (uint16_t i = 0; i < trackCount; ++i) readMidiTrack(handler, chunk); } struct Track { std::vector events; /* Combined deltas of all events */ uint64_t length; /* Event index that is resumed from after loop wraparound */ int32_t loopI; /* Difference between last event's position and length of * the longest overall track / song length */ uint32_t loopOffsetEnd; /* Delta offset from the loop beginning to event[loopI] */ uint32_t loopOffsetStart; bool valid; MidiEvent event; int32_t remDeltas; uint32_t index; bool wrapAroundFlag; bool atEnd; Track() : length(0), loopI(-1), loopOffsetEnd(0), loopOffsetStart(0), valid(false), index(0), wrapAroundFlag(false), atEnd(false) {} void appendEvent(const MidiEvent &e) { length += e.delta; events.push_back(e); } void scheduleEvent(bool looped) { if (valid) return; /* At end and not looped? */ if (index == events.size() && ((!looped || loopI < 0) || length == 0)) { valid = false; atEnd = true; return; } MidiEvent &e = events[index++]; event = e; remDeltas = e.delta; valid = true; if (wrapAroundFlag) { remDeltas = loopOffsetEnd + loopOffsetStart; wrapAroundFlag = false; } if (looped && (index == events.size()) && loopI >= 0) { index = loopI; wrapAroundFlag = true; } } void reset() { valid = false; index = 0; wrapAroundFlag = false; atEnd = false; } }; struct MidiSource : ALDataSource, MidiReadHandler { const uint16_t freq; fluid_synth_t *synth; int16_t synthBuf[BUF_TICKS*TICK_FRAMES*2]; std::vector tracks; /* Index of longest track */ uint8_t longestI; bool looped; /* Absolute delta at which we received the LOOP_MARKER CC event */ uint32_t loopDelta; /* Deltas per beat */ uint16_t dpb; int8_t pitchShift; /* Deltas per tick */ float playbackSpeed; float genDeltasCarry; /* MidiReadHandler (track that's currently being read) */ int16_t curTrack; MidiSource(SDL_RWops &ops, bool looped) : freq(SYNTH_SAMPLERATE), looped(looped), dpb(480), pitchShift(0), genDeltasCarry(0), curTrack(-1) { size_t dataLen = SDL_RWsize(&ops); std::vector data(dataLen); if (SDL_RWread(&ops, &data[0], 1, dataLen) < dataLen) throw Exception(Exception::MKXPError, "Reading midi data failed"); readMidi(this, data); synth = shState->midiState().allocateSynth(); uint64_t longest = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i) if (tracks[i].length > longest) { longest = tracks[i].length; longestI = i; } for (size_t i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i) tracks[i].loopOffsetEnd = longest - tracks[i].length; /* Enterbrain likes to be funny and put loop markers at * the very end of ME tracks */ if (loopDelta >= longest) loopDelta = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i) { Track &track = tracks[i]; int64_t base = 0; for (size_t j = 0; j < track.events.size(); ++j) { MidiEvent &e = track.events[j]; base += e.delta; if (base < loopDelta) continue; /* Don't make the last event loop eternally */ if (j < track.events.size()) { track.loopI = j; track.loopOffsetStart = base - loopDelta; } break; } } updatePlaybackSpeed(DEFAULT_BPM); // FIXME: It would make the code in 'fillBuffer' a lot nicer if // we could combine all tracks into one giant one on construction, // instead of having to constantly iterate through all of them } ~MidiSource() { shState->midiState().releaseSynth(synth); } void updatePlaybackSpeed(uint32_t bpm) { float deltaLength = 60.0 / (dpb * bpm); playbackSpeed = TICK_FRAMES / (deltaLength * freq); } void activateEvent(MidiEvent &e) { int16_t key = e.e.note.key; /* Apply pitch shift if necessary */ if ((e.type == NoteOn || e.type == NoteOff) && e.e.chan.chan != 9) { key += pitchShift; /* Drop events whose keys are out of bounds */ if (key < 0 || key > 127) return; } switch (e.type) { case NoteOn: fluid.synth_noteon(synth, e.e.note.chan, key, e.e.note.vel); break; case NoteOff: fluid.synth_noteoff(synth, e.e.note.chan, key); break; case ChanTouch: fluid.synth_channel_pressure(synth, e.e.chanTouch.chan, e.e.chanTouch.val); break; case PitchBend: fluid.synth_pitch_bend(synth, e.e.pitchBend.chan, e.e.pitchBend.val); break; case CC: fluid.synth_cc(synth, e.e.cc.chan, e.e.cc.ctrl, e.e.cc.val); break; case PC: fluid.synth_program_change(synth, e.e.pc.chan, e.e.pc.prog); break; case Tempo: updatePlaybackSpeed(e.e.tempo.bpm); break; default: break; } } void renderTicks(size_t count, size_t offset) { size_t bufOffset = offset * TICK_FRAMES * 2; int len = count * TICK_FRAMES; void *buffer = &synthBuf[bufOffset]; fluid.synth_write_s16(synth, len, buffer, 0, 2, buffer, 1, 2); } /* MidiReadHandler */ void onMidiHeader(uint16_t midiType, uint16_t trackCount, uint16_t division) { if (midiType != 0 && midiType != 1) throw Exception(Exception::MKXPError, "Midi: Type 2 not supported"); tracks.resize(trackCount); // SMTP unhandled if (division & 0x8000) throw Exception(Exception::MKXPError, "Midi: SMTP parameters not supported"); else dpb = division; } void onMidiTrackBegin() { ++curTrack; } void onMidiEvent(const MidiEvent &e, uint32_t absDelta) { assert(curTrack >= 0 && curTrack < (int16_t) tracks.size()); tracks[curTrack].appendEvent(e); if (e.type == CC && e.e.cc.ctrl == LOOP_MARKER) loopDelta = absDelta; } /* ALDataSource */ Status fillBuffer(AL::Buffer::ID buf) { /* In case there is no currently scheduled one */ for (size_t i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i) tracks[i].scheduleEvent(looped); size_t remTicks = BUF_TICKS; /* Iterate until all ticks that fit into the buffer * have been rendered */ while (remTicks > 0) { /* Check for events that have to be activated now, activate them, * and schedule new ones if the queue isn't empty */ for (size_t i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i) { Track &track = tracks[i]; /* We have to loop and ensure that the final scheduled * event lies in the future, as multiple events might * have to be activated at once */ while (true) { if (!track.valid || track.remDeltas > 0) break; int32_t prevOffset = track.remDeltas; activateEvent(track.event); track.valid = false; track.scheduleEvent(looped); /* Negative deltas from the previous event have to * be carried over into the next to stay in sync */ if (prevOffset < 0) track.remDeltas += prevOffset; /* Ensure it lies in the future */ if (track.remDeltas > 0) break; } } size_t nextEvent = (size_t) -1; bool allInvalid = true; /* Search all tracks for the temporally nearest event */ for (size_t i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i) { Track &track = tracks[i]; if (!track.valid) continue; allInvalid = false; uint32_t remDelta = track.remDeltas / playbackSpeed; /* We need to render at least one tick regardless to * avoid an endless loop of waiting for the next event * to become current */ if (remDelta < nextEvent) nextEvent = std::max(remDelta, 1); } /* Calculate amount of ticks we'll render next */ size_t genTicks = allInvalid ? remTicks : std::min(remTicks, nextEvent); if (genTicks == 0) continue; renderTicks(genTicks, BUF_TICKS - remTicks); remTicks -= genTicks; float genDeltas = (genTicks * playbackSpeed) + genDeltasCarry; float intDeltas; genDeltasCarry = modff(genDeltas, &intDeltas); /* Substract integer part of consumed deltas while carrying * over the fractional amount into the next iteration */ for (size_t i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i) if (tracks[i].valid) tracks[i].remDeltas -= intDeltas; } /* Fill AL buffer */ AL::Buffer::uploadData(buf, AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, synthBuf, sizeof(synthBuf), freq); if (tracks[longestI].atEnd) return EndOfStream; return NoError; } int sampleRate() { return freq; } /* Midi sources cannot seek, and so always reset to beginning */ void seekToOffset(float) { /* Reset synth */ fluid.synth_system_reset(synth); /* Reset runtime variables */ genDeltasCarry = 0; updatePlaybackSpeed(DEFAULT_BPM); /* Reset tracks */ for (size_t i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i) tracks[i].reset(); } uint32_t loopStartFrames() { return 0; } bool setPitch(float value) { // not completely correct, but close pitchShift = round((value > 1.0 ? 14 : 24) * (value - 1.0)); return true; } }; ALDataSource *createMidiSource(SDL_RWops &ops, bool looped) { return new MidiSource(ops, looped); }